Page 44 of Beast: Part One
chapter thirteen
The First
We make it back to Gabriel’s apartment, not without a few curious stares. He held me the entire trip, even on the train ride.
Once we got back to the apartment, Gabe called some kind of cleanup crew and then went and showered. When he came out, I went in. It felt good to wash the night off me.
As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I spotted a shirtless Gabriel sitting on the sofa. He was leaning forward with his head down between his shoulders, his body slowly rocking. He didn’t move when I sat down beside him.
“Are you alright?” I ask, breaking the silence of the apartment.
“She’s loud right now,” he says in a low voice.
“What is she saying?” I don’t have to ask him who. I know he’s talking about his mother.
He turns his head slightly to look at me, his long hair covering most of his face. “She wants me to kill you.”
That bitch. I don’t panic. Taking a deep breath, I tuck my legs underneath me. Gabe gave me a shirt when I got out of the shower, but I preferred his hoodie. I didn’t have any underwear so I’m ass out underneath this thing.
“What do you want to do, Gabriel? I’m not asking what she wants or what that organization wants you to do. You are capable of making your own decisions. So, what do you want?”
Those gorgeous intelligent eyes stare at me. I want to touch him so bad but I’m not sure if I should.
Beats of silence flow between us. I hold my breath waiting to hear what he will say. I pray that he won’t kill me. It’s kind of still up in the air. When he finally speaks, I’m completely blown away by what he says.
“You. I want you.”
Heat fills my body in a way that it never has before. Nic mentioned my shyness and inexperience in sex. Before him, I’d only been with one other guy. It was a guy in high school. We weren’t dating. I met him at a party and wanted to try another vice to exorcise my demons.
It was awful. After that, I wasn’t interested in sex. It wasn’t until Nic that I realized how pleasurable it could be. Even still, I never initiated it. However, right now, all I can think of is how Gabe would feel inside me.
Standing from the couch, I step in between his legs. He sits up straight, watching me intently. I don’t break eye contact with him as I plant my right knee on the couch beside his left thigh. I quickly swing the other knee on his other side, straddling him. Gabe sinks back into the sofa, as I hover over his lap.
“Summer,” he whispers my name. I can’t tell if it’s a warning or a plea.
Placing a finger to his lips briefly, I quiet him before planting my mouth to his. His body tenses beneath me. I go to pull away thinking maybe I’m reading this wrong. Maybe he doesn’t want me this way. I mean, I’m not looking my best. These ratty braids are still in my head and although I’ve showered, I can imagine I still look like a woman going through withdrawals.
Before I can remove my lips from his, he opens his mouth and swipes his tongue against my bottom lip. I quickly follow his lead.
The kiss goes from chaste and soft to passionate and overpowering. Our tongues intertwine in a dance that’s thousands of years old. I moan as I cup my hands at his jaws before easing to the back of his neck. I grind my hips down into his lap. If I doubted how he felt before, the impressive bulge in his shorts tells me he is enjoying himself.
However, something stands out. He is kissing me back, and my hands are all over him, but he isn’t touching me. Pulling away from the kiss, he follows me. Apparently, he’s not willing to let my lips go.
I chuckle, before breaking our kiss.
“Why won’t you touch me,” I plead, staring down into his heavy-lidded eyes.
He breaks eye contact. Bringing his hands between us, he cups them together as if he’s offering me something.
“My hands, they aren’t meant to be gentle. They are only for hurting and breaking things,” he says, looking down at his palms as if he’s holding trash.
I’ve come to realize; I hate that fucking organization. I know Gabriel thinks they saved him, but what they did was take a broken boy and patch him up with tape and glue. They didn’t help him.
Shaking my head, I fight back tears. “No, Gabe. That’s what they want you to believe. Let me show you how gentle you can be.”
Grabbing his hands in mine, I place a kiss to the back of each. I then bring them to my thighs. Gabriel watches my every movement. His palms are rough and calloused against my skin, but I like the way they feel. Slowly, with my hands covering his, I move them up each side of my thighs. The motion lifts my hoodie, and my pussy comes into view. Thank goodness Trina made me shave all body hair before I went to meet Gregory.