Page 47 of Beast: Part One
“Can’t you talk to him,” I ask as we get to the Ninth floor.
I’m assuming we’re heading to one of the debriefing rooms. Sometimes, depending on your menu, the Church requires you to run down your kill after you’re done.
As soon as he opens the stairwell door, the noise is epic. It sounds like a war is raging minus gunshots.
Deacons and guards fill the hallway. We push past them, Nathaniel shoving a few to the side as we make it to one of the open doors down the hall. Nathaniel shoves the few Church members in the doorway out of the way. We walk into a small room with bare walls and a rectangular table that has been upturned. And, judging from the hole in the wall, it’s been tossed.
I don’t focus on the room for long. I turn my attention to the scene before me. Beast is standing in the middle of the floor. Guards are around him, their guns aimed at his head. Pope is behind the guards, warning them that if any of them shoot Beast they will pay.
Nathaniel turns to me, and I pull my eyes away from an irate Beast.
“I need you to calm him down.”
“Excuse me?” Is he insane.
I’m not going to lie, Beast has always scared me. The few times I’ve ever met him, I could never get a read on him. That never happens.
“He’s never been this way. Something has him spiraling.” There is true fear in Nathaniel’s eyes.
Despite how young he was when he took the boys in, they are like his children. If they can’t get Beast to calm down, they will eventually put him down.
Even though I know this, and I want to help, it doesn’t change the fact that he terrifies me.
“This seems like a job for you, or maybe Lucien. He doesn’t know me.” I try to reason with Nathaniel.
He shakes his head. “Any other time, you would be right. But something tells me that right now, you are the only person that can find out what is going on. Please Fem, I need you.”
I hate the control this man has over me. I love him so much that I would be willing to walk into a lion’s den for him. Which is definitely what I’m about to do. Seeing the fear and desperation in Priest’s eyes, tells me there is no other option.
I let out a deep breath and shake out my hands. “Okay,” I say with little confidence. “But are you sure it’s safe to talk to him in here? What if it’s something big?”
“These rooms are soundproof and have no cameras. Everything he says will be safe. You got this.”
I wasn’t so sure about that.
Nathaniel walks me closer to the group surrounding Beast. Beast’s wild eyes seem vacant. There is blood on his face and covering his shirt. His body heaves as if he’s trying to catch his breath. His long golden blond hair hangs in his eyes.
“Beast,” Nathaniel calls out to him. Those light green eyes turn to us and recognition sparks for only a second. “Fem is here, she wants to talk to you.”
“What the hell are you doing, Priest.” Pope argues. “Get her out of here.”
“Will you shut the fuck up,” Nathaniel says glaring at Pope. “Let me handle this.”
Pope opens his mouth and I’m sure an argument is about to ensue, but Beast speaks sending the room into silence.
“Everyone out.”
Nathaniel looks at me. I can tell his well thought out plans are starting to not look so great to him right now. For some reason, I’m less afraid now.
“I’m okay,” I mouth to Nathaniel.
He turns back to the others in the room. “You heard him, get the fuck out.”
Slowly the room starts to empty. The last to leave are Pope and Nathaniel. Nathaniel looks at me one last time. I give him a subtle nod to let him know I got this.
“I’ll be right out here if you need me,” he says before turning and walking out.
Pope tries to stay behind, but Nathaniel grabs his arm and shoves him out the door. The large door closes with a loud clank.