Page 5 of Beast: Part One
“I’ve known you since we were six years old. You’re like a sister to me and I’ve sat back too long watching you battle with this addiction, but enough is enough. I don’t think you understand, Nic is going to kill you. And I know you talk a big game about dying and giving up, but I also know you’re not ready to die.”
I turn away, but her finger under my chin brings my attention back to her.
“It’s time to put your big girl panties on and do what you need to do. This is your only chance to save your life. Because I’m not ready to be here without my bestie.”
As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. Death has come knocking at my door many times and I always find some way to avoid it. There has to be a reason for it. Clearly, I have a purpose here, and it’s not to give up now. If I’m going to survive this latest fiasco, I can’t stay here.
“Ugh,” I grunt. “Tell me about this client.”
She smiles and claps her hands together. “Okay, his name is Gregory Matthews and he’s some kind of CEO or something. He’s been trying to get me to do this role-playing thing with him for the longest, but he’s a friend of my current sugar daddy and I didn’t want to muddy the waters.”
I scrunch my face in disgust. “What does he want you to do?”
“Don’t make that face. Everyone has a kink, plus his isn’t even that bad. He only wants to be tied up and spanked.”
What the hell is wrong with people?
“Anyway,” she continues. “From my understanding, he spends the entire night tied up leaving you with full control. You just have to belittle him a little. Once he’s fully aroused, you climb on top, ride him to completion a few times, and get out of there first thing in the morning. It’s that simple.”
Already I can feel the clawing in my chest just thinking about sleeping with some random. I don’t have any hang ups with sex or anything. However, I feel that intimacy on that level should be shared with two people that actually give a shit about each other. Is it ironic that I abuse my body on a daily basis with drugs, but have morals when it comes to sex? Yes.
Trina places a hand on my shoulder. “Breathe, Summer. I promise it won’t be bad. As long as you don’t start being yourself.”
By “being myself” she means being a klutz or by having mouth diarrhea.
“I can’t make any promises,” I admit.
She shakes her head. “I’ll call him and see if I can set something up for tonight. We can even negotiate the payment. And then this time tomorrow, you’ll have a pocket full of money and you can catch a bus to anywhere you want to go. Trust me, what could go wrong?”
Chapter Two
It Went Wrong
I once again pull down the hem of Trina’s dress. I can only imagine what I look like in the outfit.
Years of mistreatment has me way below the required body mass for my height. I don’t have nearly enough hips and ass to pull this black leather skintight dress off, so it constantly rides up. The lack of sleep has my eyes puffy and red. My skin looks yellow and dull. And although Trina worked her magic with this wig, it still looks like one of those costume ones you get at the Halloween store. I didn’t need a mirror to tell me I looked a hot mess.
I tug at the thong she forced me to wear, hoping to relieve the feeling of dental floss in my ass crack. I can already feel a panic attack creeping up as I stand outside Gregory’s door.
I know the code to unlock the door. Trina gave me the rundown before I left. I am to let myself in and walk down the hall to the last bedroom on the right. Mr. Gregory will be lying on the bed, naked, gagged, and waiting for me to tie him up. All I have to do is go in.
However, my feet refuse to move as I stare at the silver numbers on his penthouse door.
“Come on, Summer, you can do this. It’s not like you’ve never had sex before,” I say out loud in the empty hallway.
Exhaling a deep breath, I shake my hands out, punch in the five-digit code, wait for the green light, and then open the door. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this.
The foyer opens to a French country style living room. Everything is whitewashed and rustic with beige furniture. The place looks as if someone ripped it from a Southern Living magazine. It’s almost too normal.
I head down the hall, following Trina’s directions. With each step I take my heart pounds faster and faster. I stop in front of the door of the last room on the right. Once I walk in, there will be no going back.
Look, I’ve done some shitty things for a my next high. Things I’m not proud of, yet this is one line I’ve never crossed. However, this is my last option to save my life, there are no other avenues for me. This cat has run out of lives it seems.
Closing my eyes, and taking a deep breath, I push open the door and walk as far into the room as I can.
“You’ve got this.” I give myself one final pep talk before taking a deep breath and opening my eyes.