Page 52 of Beast: Part One
“It’s a going away present.”
Shaking my head, I tell her, “No.” I go to zip the bag, but her hands cover mine, pausing my actions.
“It’s my gift to you.”
“Put it with them.”
“They are taken care of. I promise they want for nothing.”
From the pictures Albany sent me, I can tell that Summer and my son are fine. Before any plans to save my brothers came into fruition, I had to make sure that Summer was okay. I told Albany all she needed to know about Summer in order to get her to go to rehab. It was not an option for her not to go.
When Albany came to me and told me Summer was pregnant, I dealt with mixed feelings. Part of me was happy to know that she would forever have a part of me with her. However, another part of me worried about what my demons would do to my child. I’m flawed.
Even before my mother did her damage to me, I was already different. It wasn’t just the autism that made me stand out. Priest and the psychiatrist at the Church are the ones that told me I was on the spectrum.
However, there is something else. Something others don’t know about. Something Mother called possession.
I blink, realizing I’ve been staring at Albany too long without speaking. Zipping the duffle bag, I drop it at my feet. I then turn my attention to the other bag in the trunk. Opening it up, I make sure everything I requested is inside.
“Does it look good?” She asks.
Dipping my chin, I zip the bag and pull it out of the trunk placing it at my feet as well. Reaching in my pocket, I pull out the flash drive.
Albany believes she wants the truth of what happened to her mother. She has no idea the pain that truth will cause her.
She eagerly reaches for the flash drive, but I pull it back.
“You sure this is what you want? Not all answers bring closure.”
“I don’t want closure. I want the truth and revenge.”
No, she wants to belong. She believes that this will help her feel complete. She doesn’t realize it yet, but she has everything she needs around her to make her whole. She turns away from me, trying to hide her pain and her truths.
I’m not worried about Albany. I have already put things in order for her happiness too. Everyone wins in this game. Well, everyone but me.
“You’re too flawed,” my mother’s voice taunts in my head.
“She’s lying and you know it.” Right on time Priest’s voice comes in to tell me I’m making the wrong decision. I know he doesn’t agree with how I’m handling this thing between Summer and I, but he’s wrong on this one.
Holding the drive back out to her, I allow her to take it from me this time.
“How did you even get this?”
She flips the little black rectangular device over in her hand.
“I took a visit to one of the record keeper’s apartments. I luckily found two of them together. I cut off the head of one of the record keepers with a box cutter. The other one gave me the information without much argument.”
“When they find the bodies, will they know we took it?”
“What bodies?” I ask with a smile. By the time they find those two, they will be nothing but a sludge of liquid.
My time is up. I still have a lot to do. Picking up the two bags at my feet, I turn to walk away.
“Gabriel,” I stop when she calls my name. “Are you sure you don’t want to see them.”
More than anything in this world.
“You got work to do, Boy. Leave that whore and bastard where they are,” Mother taunts.