Page 65 of Beast: Part One
“You graduated top of your class at Harvard Law School. You are a partner at Smith, Smith, and Stein law firm. One of the youngest partners at the firm. A job you only got because of your family’s connections.”
I drop a hacksaw on the cart before looking over my shoulder at Jason. He’s standing in the same spot I left him, trembling as his gaze stays glued to the objects I’ve placed on the cart.
“You’re married to Vanessa who is currently working with a specialist because she’s having issues getting pregnant. Yet, your mistress who is ten years younger than you seems to not have those problems. In fact, you would have at least two kids by now if you’d stop forcing her to get abortions.”
Placing the last object on the cart, which happens to be a pair of ratchet cutters, I turn back to face Jason.
“Did I leave anything out?”
He shakes his head, still seeming to be dazed.
I wheel the cart over to the dental chair and start to adjust the straps.
“You see, I know all about you. Even the things you don’t want me to know. However, I’m not here to talk about your affair, your gambling debt, or the offshore account you’ve been laundering money into. I’m here to talk about April 15th your sophomore year in college.”
The moment the date is out of my mouth his eyes widen. He turns and runs to the door trying to open it as he screams for help. I don’t worry about anyone hearing because not only are we underground, but this room and the entire building is soundproof. Even if anyone else lived in the apartments above they wouldn’t hear him.
I finish preparing the chair for him before I walk over and yank him away from the door. He tries to fight my arm off as I haul him back to the center of the room. After slinging his body into the seat, I try to strap him down into the restraints, but he fights and squirms like a fish on a hook.
I give up trying to do this the easy way. Instead, I punch him in the side of the head, the force causing his head to bounce against the headrest. He’s immediately put to sleep. Finally, having him still, I go back to placing him in the restraints. His arms are tied to the arm rests and his legs are individually tied to the footrests.
After making sure he’s secured, I get the smelling salts out of one of the cabinets and place them under his nose.
He comes awake suddenly gasping. He then flinches and tries to lift his hand to the fast-forming knot on the side of his head. Once he realizes his hands are restrained, panic forms in his eyes again as he tugs against his restraints.
“You’re wasting my time,” I say.
When his gaze falls back on me his shoulders drop and his head falls forward.
“I didn’t hurt that girl. She even admitted to the courts that she lied,” he explains.
“Liar. All Liars will have their part in the lake of fire,” Mother seethes in my head.
“You raped and brutally beat a sixteen-year-old girl. Then your family and their connections drug her name through the dirt to the point she recanted her story on the stand and later committed suicide.”
“No, I…”
I hold up a hand to stop him. I didn’t need him to collaborate on the story of Tiffany Williams. I already knew it was true. I wasn’t here for that.
“The cop that found her body knew you were behind it and somehow, he ended up dead. I want to know how.”
His brows pinch together as he stares back at me. “You’re here for the cop?”
I remain silent. He shakes his head.
“I don’t know anything about the cop.”
I was hoping he would say that. Picking up the ratchet cutters from the cart, I go over to his left hand. Grabbing it with my left hand I hold it still.
“What are you doing?”
Placing his thumb in the circle opening of the cutters I snip the appendage off. It falls to the floor at my feet. Jason screams as he thrashes against the chair. I make quick work of cutting off three more fingers from that hand leaving only his pinky. Once I’m done. I toss the cutters on the cart and grab the blow torch to cauterize the injury stopping the bleeding.
Once that’s done, I place the torch down. At some point during that process, Jason passed out. I grab the smelling salts and bring him back. He comes awake abruptly, crying and screaming.
“You fucking psycho,” he shouts.
I allow him only a few minutes to get ahold of himself.