Page 71 of Beast: Part One
Feeling relief that Andrew didn’t meet an untimely death tonight, I sink back in my chair and shake my head.
I have a lot of questions. They are all swimming around my head at once. I had no idea I’d ever see this man again. For him to pop up now has me a little thrown off.
“So, they let you out?”
“No,” he says without any further explanation.
I dip my brows together, confusion etching my face. “You broke out?”
I would say that this shocks me. But I was more shocked when Fem told me that they were holding him. I didn’t think there was a prison built that could keep this man down.
Gabriel is like a Tsunami. His presence and energy swallow you up and drags you into him—most likely to your death. Even now, my heart beats so fast in my chest I feel lightheaded just being near him.
One thing becomes blatantly clear, what I felt that night around him was not a one-off thing. And it had shit to do with withdrawals.
My gaze keeps going back to his face. Goodness, this man is gorgeous. And if I was a dumb woman, I’d crawl into his lap and purr like a cat. But, sobriety and time have made me wiser.
“What are you doing here, Gabriel?” There is no way I’m going to believe this is just a friendly visit. He doesn’t put me in the mindset of someone that stops by to catch up on old times.
The way his jaw tenses lets me know he either doesn’t like my question or doesn’t like his answer to it.
“I don’t know,” he finally says after a while, letting me know the latter was the problem.
Scoffing, I lean back in my seat. I cast my gaze away from him, not wanting him to see the way my eyes are watering.
“Five years.” I look back at him and his green eyes are staring directly at me. “It never crossed your mind to call?”
He looks away briefly, but I keep going.
“You could have sent an email, wrote a letter, sent a damn carrier pigeon, or hell even smoke signals asking about your son would have been nice.”
He doesn’t answer or reply. He just stares back at me with those damn intense eyes. I knew Fem was giving him updates. Gabriel knew about Gabe all this time and not once did he reach out.
I shake my head swiping at the tear that fell. Anytime I allowed myself to think I’d see Gabriel again, I never thought it would be this emotional. I’d long since gotten over him not being around, but I didn’t realize how much his lack of communication bothered me until now.
“So, what now? Is this your way of telling me you want back into our lives? Am I supposed to just—”
His reply catches me off guard. “No?”
“Me showing up here changes nothing. We don’t work.”
I laugh, even though nothing is remotely funny. His words sting like hell to hear.
“She’s incapable of loving.”
“Then why come back? What’s the point of this?” I ask pointing to him showing up on my date.
He doesn’t answer, instead his gaze cuts away from me.
I lean up from my chair. “What about Gabe? Do you even fucking care about your son?”
He slams his fist on the table causing the glasses of water and the silverware to rattle. A few surrounding gazes turn to us, but I don’t pay them any attention.
“Of course, I care,” he grits out, those seafoam eyes locking in on me. “But I’m not good enough—”