Page 80 of Beast: Part One
There is no way that’s the same dick I rode to make my son. If there is no other sign that I was out of my mind from withdrawals that night, it’s the fact that I was able to take the monster he’s working with.
I haven’t even seen a penis that beautiful on the porn I watch. Beautiful tan complexion, nice thick girth, throbbing veins, a length that makes your mouth water, and a perfect mushroom head.
“Huh,” I ask shaking my head coming out of my trance. My palm is overflowing with the white soapy foam from the hand soap.
“Shit,” I mumble as I quickly wash my hands in the sink.
“Did you hear what I said?”
I turn to him just in time to see him placing his pole back in his pants and out of my view.
“No, I was uh....distracted.”
He comes to stand beside me at the sink. His large body brushing against mine. It’s then I realize how small my son’s bathroom is. He reaches past me to get some soap, his arm brushes against my right breast and my body starts to get a fuzzy feeling like a bad cable signal. After reaching over me for some soap, he starts to wash his hands in the sink.
“I said, it seems right now you and Gabe are safe.” He turns to face me after turning the water off. I hand him the spider man hand towel I’d just used.
Leaning my hip against the sink, I cross my arms over my chest.
“But?” I ask. I can tell there is a but at the end of that sentence.
“But,” he goes on to say after placing the towel on the counter. “I don't like the idea that this person went out of their way to find you. They didn’t do it for no reason.”
“So what now?” I shrug.
He leans his back against the sink, his palms flat against the edge of the counter.
“I’m going to find out who this person is and make sure no one else from that night talks.”
“Basically, you mean a lot of bodies are going to pile up.”
He doesn’t reply, instead he just stares at me as if that was a dumb question.
“While I'm,” he pauses as if he’s looking for the right words to say. “Cleaning things up, I need to stay close to you and Gabe.”
“And when it’s over?” I hold my breath waiting for his reply even though I know where this is going.
“When I know you and Gabe are safe, I disappear. My stance hasn’t changed, Summer.”
It’s not like I didn’t expect this response. To be honest, I should be happy. Having Gabriel around is dangerous on many levels. And the most important one has nothing to do with the dead bodies that are going to pop up in the next few days.
It has more to do with the way my heart has not stopped racing since I woke up and saw him in the corner of the room. And how I have the strong urge to touch him as if I need to make sure he’s real. Both of those feelings are unwanted and dangerous. Yes, it is best he goes on his way as soon as possible.
“Okay,” I say, coming to terms with the fact that I’m stuck with him for now. “But I have a few stipulations if you’re going to stay.”
His mouth lifts on one side in that minute smirk of his. He turns to face me, leaning up against the side of the sink. He tilts his head as if to say go on.
“I haven’t told Gabe who you are yet and I’m not sure I will.”
The smirk falls from his face and his jaw tenses.
I hold up my hands in front of me before dropping them back at my side. “It’s nothing against you.”
The way his smile dropped bothered me. I don’t want him to think I’m keeping his connection to Gabe a secret because of who he is.
“I may change my mind, but until then I ask that you not tell him either.”