Page 29 of The Other Brother
“That’s a classic. My brother and I dressed as Mario and Luigi last Halloween.”
“I’ve seen those costumes.”
“Do you have any plans for this Halloween?”
I noted his segue. “I hadn’t thought about it yet. Mallory will have something planned for us, I’m sure.”
“There’s usually a big party at my brother’s frat house. Everyone starts planning their costumes around this time to prepare.” He laughed. “They take it pretty seriously.”
“It’ll be here before we know it. Summer’s already over.”
“In that case, I’d better lock you down as my date to the party.”
I shoved a piece of bread into my mouth to buy more time.
“Like you said, it will be here before we know it.”
The waiter arrived with our food, allowing me to stall some more.
Gabe’s eyes remained fixed on me as the waiter set our plates down in front of us.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Anything else I can get you right now?”
“No, thanks. We’re good,” Gabe said. He waited for the waiter to leave. “So? What do you say? Come to the Halloween party with me.”
“I’ll talk to Mallory and see what she wants to do.”
“Well, that wasn’t a no. I guess I’ll take it.”
The corners of my mouth pulled down. “I’m sorry. I just … Mallory is my only friend here, and I don’t want her to feel left out.”
“I understand. Maybe we can find her a date.”
I nodded, biting into my spaghetti before I said anything Mallory would kill me for. I didn’t get the impression that she was fond of Gabe’s immature friends. Would Derek be there? I know she’d enjoyed her night with him at Big Nose Kate’s. Tanner would probably be there, too.
The memory of us dancing suddenly replayed in my mind. The warmth of his muscular body pressed against mine. The touch of his hands on my waist setting fire to my skin. The heat emanating from his eyes as he scorched me.
The butterflies that had been asleep throughout this whole dinner with Gabe were now wide awake.
“How was it at Big Nose Kate’s the other night?” Gabe asked, as if he’d read my mind.
I gulped my water. “It was cool. I heard Chase and his band play.”
“Yeah, Chase is great. I heard his brother got into it with Shawn at the end of the night. Did you see that?”
My stomach twisted, sending the butterflies back to their hiding spot. “Yeah, he did.”
“I’ve never had any problems with Tanner, but he goes from zero to sixty, you know? The guy can be a real psycho.”
“I wouldn’t call him a psycho. Maybe he’s got a lot going on that we don’t know about.”
“That’s very good-hearted of you, but I highly doubt there’s anything going on. The family is perfect—looks, brains, money—Tanner’s just an arrogant jerk.”
I instantly wanted to defend Tanner though I didn’t know why I felt compelled to do so. It didn’t feel good to hear Gabe talking about him—about anyone—like that, without knowing the truth. Gabe didn’t know about Tanner’s father, and it saddened me to hear how harshly people judged him when his family was going through such a difficult time.
Was I one of those people?