Page 68 of The Other Brother
“If I would’ve known you were so helpful, I would’ve put you to work years ago,” Mom said.
“I’m very helpful,” I scoffed, pretending to be offended.
“You are extremely helpful, my baby boy. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist. She was tall, but she still only reached my chin. Her body felt tiny in my arms.
“Are you taking care of yourself? I know you’re busy looking after Dad, but you can’t forget about yourself. We need you.”
She stepped away and waved her hand in the air. “I’m fine.”
“I’ve got my eyes on you.” I pointed two fingers at my eyes and then at hers. “I’m going to make sure you’re eating enough.”
She handed me a large pot. “Fill this up and put it on the stove.”
I did as she said, knowing she would never admit that she was anything less than fine. She was as fine as she could be in her situation. She was about to lose her partner—the one she’d built her life with. Mom and Dad were supposed to be forever. That’s what they had promised. I couldn’t imagine going through that.
“I’m happy Merritt will be having Christmas dinner with us.”
I nodded. “She shouldn’t be alone.”
“Do you have anybody you want to invite?”
I smirked. She was fishing. “I do, actually.”
“You do?”
I set the pot of water on the stove and turned on the flame. “She won’t be able to come, though. She doesn’t want to leave her dad by himself.”
“He can come too, of course. You know that.” She turned to face me, leaning onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. “Why don’t you want us to meet her? Is it too soon?”
“It’s not too soon.”
She reached out and touched my cheek. “My beautiful boy, are you in love with her?”
I knew it was written all over my face. I couldn’t deny it. I’d never deny what I felt for Charlotte. “I am completely in love with her.”
Mom blinked back tears. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. You deserve to be loved. You have so much love in your heart. I know you must make her so incredibly happy.”
“I try to.”
“What’s her name?”
“Charlotte. She just moved here from Florida a few months ago.”
“Do you have a picture of her?”
I took my phone out of my sweatpants pocket. I swiped until I found my favorite picture of Charlotte. It was a selfie she’d taken of us when we were out to dinner last month. I was smiling, my cheek pressed against hers, and she was smiling from ear to ear. Her eyes sparkled.
Mom took the phone from my hands, and the tears spilled over her lids. “Tanner, she is beautiful.”
“Why are you crying?” I asked gently.
“You look so happy.” She covered her mouth to prevent the sob from escaping too loudly. “I’ve never seen you look like that.”
I pulled my mother close and hugged her while she sniffled against my sweatshirt. “Her mom died from cancer when she was five. That’s why I haven’t wanted to bring her here.”
“You don’t want her to see Dad.”
I heaved a sigh. “I don’t want to upset her. I also don’t want her to love him and then have to go through losing him. I don’t want her in pain. I need to protect her.”