Page 78 of The Other Brother
“He’s going through a hard time right now. I’m trying to help him work through it.”
“Great. He’s pushing me away, but taking the help of a stranger. No offense,” I quickly added.
“None taken. I’m going to sober him up and give him a ride home. Something tells me he’ll be calling me in the morning. Your man has got a lot of anger inside.”
“Tell me about it.”
“I’m going to help him channel it.”
“Maybe you can channel him to call me while you’re at it.”
TJ grinned. “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. He is completely and utterly crazy about you. He’s just having a hard time dealing with the loss of his father. Death scares the shit out of people like that.”
“I really hope you can help him.”
“He’s a stubborn little shit, but I think he’ll be ready after tonight.” He waved. “Get home safely, ladies.”
“That man is fucking delicious,” Mallory murmured.
I could feel the pounding in my head before I even opened my eyes. Sunlight streamed through my window. Why is my knee throbbing so much? The alarm clock read past noon. Then, the memories from last night came flooding back. Fuck. Me.
I went to reach for my phone, but jumped when I saw Khloe’s big round eyes staring at me from the foot of my bed.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Not Jesus. Just me.” She shrugged.
“Why is it so bright in here?”
“Your blinds are open.” She climbed on top of my pillow and stretched onto her toes to reach the string on the blinds. “There. That better?”
“A little bit. Thanks, Squirt.”
“Mom says you got home late last night. She said you were drunk. What does drunk mean?”
“Drunk means you’re a dumb fu—” I caught myself. “A dummy.”
“That’s okay. If you were acting like a dummy last night, then you need to change your behavior today. Every day is a new chance to start over. That’s what my teacher says to Aiden when he doesn’t listen.”
I couldn’t fight the smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth. “You’re very wise, little Yoda.”
Her face scrunched. “What’s a Yoda?”
I tickled her belly until she squealed. “You’re a Yoda! Now, scram. I have to get dressed.” There was somewhere I needed to be.
Twenty minutes later, I found myself standing inside TJ’s gym. Punching bags outlined the massive room. To the left was an area with several giant tires; to the right, a woman with larger muscles than I had was coaching a man to slap thick ropes against the ground.
TJ emerged from the octagon-shaped ring in the center of the room. He shook hands with an older balding man who looked like he had just taken a shower with his clothes on. The poor dude was winded. Meanwhile, TJ hadn’t broken a sweat. He made everyone else around him look tiny.
“I gotta be honest, bro,” TJ called out. “I wasn’t sure you were going to show.”
“Yeah, well, I’m here.”
“I like it when people prove me wrong. Doesn’t happen very often.” He gestured to the ring behind him. “Step into my office. Lose the socks and shoes.”
I did as instructed. I hoisted myself over the ropes and stood inside the ring. It was a lot bigger than it looked on TV.