Page 8 of Someone You Love
“We finally fixed it up last year. We haven’t gotten around to taking pictures and updating the website yet.”
The water sparkles like diamonds reflecting off the sun, and my body hums as I imagine slipping into its cool depths.
“Are there places to swim in the city?” she asks.
“I’ve only been to the indoor pool at my gym.” I wrinkle my nose. “It’s nothing like this.”
Beatrice guides me around the perimeter of the pool toward the guest house.
My lips part as my eyes land on a smaller but no less beautiful version of the inn, complete with the matching porch. “This is your guest house?”
“It used to be a rundown shed, but Bryce helped add on to it, and turned it into a beautiful oasis. He’s quite handy.”
“It’s beautiful, Bryce.” I gesture to the bench swing swaying in the breeze on the porch. “I love the swing.”
He glances over his shoulder at me. “Me too.”
Oh. He mustreallylove that swing if he’s not responding in grunts.
Bryce pushes a key into the doorknob, and the hinges creak as the wooden door swings open. He sets my bags down on the porch, and turns to help his grandmother up the ramp.
She swats at his hand. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Really wish you’d wear more practical shoes.”
Beatrice lifts her chin. “Really wish you’d stop making a fuss over me.”
“Wouldn’t have to if you didn’t insist on walking around in high heels after your hip replacement.”
I smile. Their relationship is endearing. You can tell how much they care about each other, despite their bickering. Nothing but adoration emits from Bryce’s eyes when he’s looking at his grandmother. She softens his harsh glower.
Before Bryce can pick up my luggage again, I grab them and stride past him into my new living quarters, eager to see the inside.
“Make yourself at home,” he mutters.
I spin around, and tilt my head to look him square in the eyes. “Says the man who wouldn’t even shake my hand when we met. I wasn’t exactly expecting you to be a proper host and give me a tour.”
Beatrice cackles from outside. “She’s not wrong, my boy.”
Bryce’s scowl remains intact, but I don’t miss the tick in his cheek, like he might’ve almost smirked at my retort.
Does he even know how to smile? I can’t imagine it on that rugged face of his.
As fun as our little staring contest is, I break first, and walk further into the house. Butterflies flutter in my stomach at the sight of the bay window with a collection of puffy yellow pillows waiting for me to curl up against. It’s the perfect reading nook that I will most definitely be using.
The open-floor plan allows me to do a 360 and take in the small eat-in kitchen that faces the living room. I roll the suitcase across the rustic floorboards and into the hallway, scoping out the decent-sized bathroom. I nearly squeal over the large, immaculate bathtub with water jets.
I shall soak in you every night until my fingertips resemble raisins.
At the end of the narrow hallway, two doors sit caddy-corner, one door open, and one closed.I peek my head into the open room. The bedspread is a bold white with yellow peonies all over it, and the room is filled with touches of yellow to match. The window casts a generous amount of sunlight into the room. It’s small but simple, and I love it.
Beatrice’s heels clack into the room behind me. “I’d ask if everything is to your liking, but the look on your face tells me everything I need to know.”
My smile stretches until my cheeks hurt. “It’s perfect.”
“There’s one more thing I’m afraid I have to tell you.” She taps the closed door in the hall with her cane. “This is Bryce’s room.”
My mouth flaps open. “He’s staying here? With me?”