Page 94 of Someone You Love
Things to Do
1. Ride a bike through Central Park
2. Volunteer at an animal shelter
3. Get makeovers at Macy’s
4. Spend the summer in a new town
5. Go camping
6. Try a new food
7. Take salsa lessons
8. Get matching tattoos
9. Ride a jet ski
10. Go to a Taylor Swift concert
11. Stay up all night and watch the sunrise
There’s only one more item left to cross off, and I’m determined to watch the sunrise before I leave.
I just wish I could watch it with Bryce.
A tap on the door pulls my attention. I scoot up to sitting, and wipe my eyes just as Beatrice’s silver head pokes through the crack. “May I come in?”
“Of course.”
She glances down at my open suitcase filled with piles of folded clothes, and a frown tugs the corners of her lips. “Packed already?”
I nod, hugging my knees to my chest. “Just making sure I don’t forget anything at the last minute.”
“That’s smart.” She lowers herself to the edge of my bed, and rests her hand on top of Edward’s head as he peels open one eye to acknowledge her. “Are you coming to dinner? It’s your last night with us.”
I pick at an imaginary lint on the comforter, averting my eyes from her knowing gaze. “I’m not really hungry.”
“Pfft. You’re a terrible liar, my dear.”
I rest my chin on the top of my knee. “I know.”
“Please come. I want to soak up every last minute with you.” She grips my forearm. “Don’t punish me because my grandson has his head up his ass.”
My bottom lip trembles. “I’m not trying to punish you. I’m sorry.” I lean forward, and wrap my arms around her bony frame. “You’re right. I’ll come to dinner.”
She hugs me back, holding me tight and letting me know it’s okay to fall apart in her arms. But I can’t let myself do that. Not here. Not yet. I can stay strong until I get back home.
Just the thought of going back to the empty apartment filled with Mom’s belongings feels like a sword through my chest. This getaway was a wonderful distraction, but now it’s time to go back to reality.
Maybe that’s all this was between me and Bryce. A distraction. We both allowed ourselves to get lost in each other for the duration of my trip, and it was fun, but maybe it just wasn’t meant to last.
A summer fling.
That’s what I have to tell myself.