Page 11 of Against the Odds
“I don’t have a Plan B.”
“As long as you’re alive, you’ll always have a Plan B.”
“What if I don’t like Plan B?”
“Plan A wasn’t meant to be. You’ve got to let it go.”
I let go of Joe. My uterus let go of the egg. I let go of my job. I pretty much let go of my sanity. I’ve let go of so much, I could change my name to Elsa. An ice fortress of solitude does sound enticing right now.
I signal for the bartender. “You know, I used to believe in things being meant to be. Now I realize it’s just a way to comfort ourselves. When something doesn’t go our way, we claim it wasn’t meant to be and that helps us cope. Maybe bad things just happen. Maybe there isn’t a reason for any of it.”
“Does it matter if there’s a reason? The bad shit still happens either way.”
I nod as I pull out my wallet to pay my tab.
TJ intercepts and slips the bartender his card. “Dinner’s on me.”
“Oh, no. No. That’s really not necessary. You don’t have to do that.” I reach over the bar to hand the bartender my cash, but she winks and walks away with TJ’s card.
So much for solidarity, sister.
I stand and smooth out my skirt. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” TJ says, signing the credit card slip. “It was a pleasure meeting you … Sarah?”
“Still no.”
He walks out with me into the parking lot. “Do you need a ride?”
“I’ve got my own.”
TJ stops beside his vehicle and swings the door open.
My eyes go wide. “It was you!”
“What was me?”
I wave my hand at his truck. “The douchebag in the red truck who cut me off before I got here. It was you.”
TJ’s head falls back as he barks out a laugh. “You’re the one who told me I was overcompensating for my little dick?”
“I called it a small penis, for the record.”
One thick brow arches. “Don’t I get a chance to set the record straight?”
“Let the record show he drives a red, lifted truck.” I point to his tires. “With rims. Seems like an open-and-shut case to me.”
“Tough jury.”
I shake my head, raking my eyes over him. “It’s surprising, someone of your size having a small penis.”
TJ steps into my personal space until he’s so close I have to crane my neck to look at him. “Oh, it’s surprising. Just not in the way you think.”
Energy pulses at my veins with his large frame towering over me, but I don’t budge. I can’t. TJ’s intense gaze pins me to the ground. I’m an ant under his magnifying glass, and all I can do is burn.
“When’s the last time you did something spontaneous?” he asks. “Something you didn’t plan. Something you didn’t see coming.”
“I just quit my job.”