Page 50 of Against the Odds
“Mail just came. It’s on your desk.” Totally didn’t snoop through it.
“You’re wearing jeans.”
“Sneakers too.”
“Sporty looks good on you. Kinda miss the heels though.” He winks and brushes past me into his office.
I turn away to hide my pink-tinged cheeks.
“Oh, Carla. You forgot this the other night.” TJ’s waving my notebook overhead when I turn back around.
“Ah, that’s where I left it. Thanks.”
The hint of a smirk dances on his lips when I take the book from him. “Your Plan B looks great.”
My jaw falls open. “You read my journal?”
“I didn’t know it was yours. I opened it to check for a name.”
“Then how did you know it was mine?”
“You’re the only person I know who’d plan out ways to be spontaneous.”
My shoulders slump. “Pretty lame, huh?”
“Hey, I never said it was lame. I can help you with everything on that list, you know.”
“I’ve been wanting to go sky diving myself. And I can get you an appointment with my tattoo guy when you figure out what you want.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready for all that yet.”
“If you wait until you feel ready, you’ll never do it. That’s the whole point of being spontaneous.” He glances at the envelope on top of the pile and tosses it into the garbage.
“Why’d you throw that letter out? You didn’t even open it.” This might be overstepping but my curiosity tends to get the best of me.
“Don’t need to.”
“Is that what the ‘T’ in your name stands for? Thomas?”
He flinches at the sound of his name before nodding. “Nobody calls me that.”
“What does the ‘J’ stand for?”
“James.” He continues sifting through his mail and doesn’t look at me.
“Thomas James. That’s a nice name. You don’t like it?”
“Who’s sending you letters from jail?”
TJ slams his fist on the desk and my body jolts. “It’s none of your business, so get back to work.”
“Sorry,” I mutter as I spin on my heels and close the door behind me.
TJ is always so even-keeled, I didn’t expect a reaction like that. I definitely landed on a sore subject. Note to self, don’t ask your boss personal questions.