Page 56 of Against the Odds
“You’re not a freak. They’re the freaks for being so rude.”
TJ claps Sam on the back. “Now he’s taking control of his life and learning how to rise above all those judgmental pricks.”
“You’re in good hands.” I offer Sam a reassuring smile and a wave before heading back to work.
Twenty minutes later, TJ’s saying goodbye to Sam and walking him to the door. He comes around the desk and hovers too close to where I stand, leaning his hip against the counter beside me. “Sam’s smitten with you.”
I laugh and shake my head. “He’s sweet.”
“I want you to teach that yoga class. You’d be great at it.”
“How do you know? I could be horrible at yoga and you’d have no idea.”
He grins like he’s won. “You’re right. So teach me and I’ll see for myself.”
“You want me to teach you how to do yoga?”
“Yes. Tonight.”
“Now breathe in through your nose. Allow your stomach to expand as it fills with oxygen. Focus on your breathing. Keep your chin up. Shoulders down away from your ears.”
“How am I supposed to keep my shoulders down when my arms are up over my head?” TJ asks, cracking one eye open.
“Watch me.” I raise my arms straight above me and drop my shoulders. “Your shoulders are tight. That’s where you carry your stress. Try to be conscious of how you’re carrying yourself.”
“You’re very observant.”
“Yoga taught me to be more aware of my body’s reaction to stress. Once you catch it, you can correct it.”
“Shoulders down. Got it. What’s next?”
“Open your arms like this, and swivel on your back leg.”
TJ swivels but loses his balance. His thick arms flail as he tries to regain his stance. “Almost got it.”
My teeth dig into my bottom lip. “You okay?”
“Pfft. I’m fine. I’m a natural.”
I step closer to him and adjust the position of his leg. Then I place my hands on his waist to tilt his body. “Keep your arms out, wide and straight.”
His gaze weighs on me but I don’t dare look up when we’re this close. His stomach muscles clench under my fingers and it takes all the strength in me to keep them from roaming over his sculpted body.
“Keep breathing,” I say, though it’s more for my sake than his.
“What’s this move called?” His breath dances along my skin, lips inches away.
“Warrior Two. This one’s my favorite.”
“Why’s that?”
“It makes me feel strong.”
“You are strong. And you could help other people find their strength with this class.”
“How did you become so strong?”
“Why do you always ask so many questions?”