Page 55 of Broken Captive
Her teeth let go of her lip, and he slid up and over her chest, adding pressure to her nipples again.
Alina’s gasp was like music. Her legs shifted apart, a silent invitation for him to explore further. He remained on her torso. Not brushing her nipples every time seemed to add more sensation when he did move over them. On the next pass, he let his fingers be firmer, and her hips lifted from the bed, surprising him.
“Now, Luka,” she said. “It’s okay now.”
He knew where she wanted his touch, and his hand slid straight down, cupping her.
Alina’s body stilled. She felt hot, hot enough that the heat made it through her jeans and his gloves. His erection wept a little at the sensation, but he ignored it to stare into her eyes, not moving at all while she processed the feeling.
Her body didn’t relax. Small tremors shook it. He started to pull away.
Her head shifted along the bed, mussing her hair. “No, I don’t feel bad. It aches, but not in a bad way, not really. Can you try rubbing?”
He stroked his fingers over the crease of her jeans, and her hips lifted into the caress. He tried to focus on her face. The intentness of it was beautiful, but his own ache kept taking his attention. His fingers moved faster, rubbing and rubbing, and she became hotter through his glove.
Her legs shifted wider, and a little groan slipped from her lips.
Luka paused in the middle of another stroke. “Not good?” His words came out choked—he was thinking about pressing something else against her. She didn’t answer right away, too busy swallowing, and doubts filled him. “We should stop.” So far, the test had been good for them both. There was no reason to push it. His hand lifted away from her.
Her body trembled again, this time at the loss. “But it felt good,” she finally managed to say.
He started to reach for her again, but froze in indecision.
Alina’s hands dug into the blanket beneath her. “Can we do one more thing? It’s a big ask, but I think we need to try it to know for sure whether this might work.”
Luka sucked in a breath, trying to calm himself. Razors danced along his skin now that he wasn’t touching her. A part of him wanted to test whether the sensation would disappear if he gave in and touched her again. “Ask.”
“Can you put your weight on me?” Her face turned away. “It used to feel like I was being suffocated. That was the worst part because he wanted me to beg when it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I want to replace it all with you, but if you can’t lie on top of me, then it won’t even be worth trying to do the other… it was both of those things.” She waited, as if expecting him to say no.
Luka should have said no. He felt like he would break apart any minute.
Alina’s eyes softened as they traced over his face. “It’s okay. It’s too much. I knew it was, but I wanted it anyway. This has been enough. Luka, it felt good. I’m a little frustrated, too, but frustrated that we’re stopping, not that this happened to me. That’s different. New. Thank you.” Her smile was the one he loved the most, the small, genuine tilt of her lips. “It’s enough.”
She was smiling at him as she said she wanted him, and suddenly it wasn’t enough for Luka. He shifted forward, moving into a crouch over her body.
Alina stopped smiling; her breath was coming and going too hard to smile. Not in fear. In anticipation.
“Hold still,” he breathed out, waiting for her to nod. His erection already jutted out from his body, tenting his pants as if it was trying to reach out and touch her.
He was scared to let it, but her eyes shone up at him, so hopeful.
He kept his torso hovering above her. His legs straightened, and he expected them to rest on top of hers, but they slid between her widened legs and the aching part of himself pressed against the crease of her jeans.
His mind blanked as sensation exploded through him. Heat, pain, and an excruciating pleasure despite how wrong it was. His hips jerked, rubbing his erection against her.
Her knees lifted from the sensation, her thighs caging him in. The added layer of panic kept him from coming right then. His arms wobbled, brushing his chest against hers, and her intake of air kept him from shoving away.
“Luka?” she asked on a gasp, checking on him even though she must also be afraid.
With his eyes closed, he could only focus on one thing. He thrust again instead of tearing away, his traitorous erection throbbing even more, especially when she began to lift her hips into it.
He forced his eyes open so the worst part of him wouldn’t take over completely. Strands of her silky hair clung to her face as she stared into him. Alina gasped and moaned in pleasure as he used the hard part of himself to slide and rub, pushing at her harder than his fingers had.
Suddenly she cried out, and the sound of it was different. She sounded scared as her body went slack, and he shoved himself off of her, rolling so far away he nearly fell off the bed. He was harder than he’d ever been, but he ignored it as fury at himself rushed inside. He shoved himself up, not touching her but needing to look at the consequence of the mistake he’d made.
Alina made a little ‘oh’ sound before she seemed to melt into the bed. Her head shifted, and he wanted to castrate himself as he saw the wetness on her cheeks. But her eyes were wide with a wondrous light, and her sudden laugh was so full of joy.
He collapsed back on the bed, grateful and confused and aching as he tried to catch his breath.