Page 63 of Broken Captive
Antonio sighed, but he could never deny Nera. “We could pay people to clean, Nera. And cook, even if I do enjoy your food best.” He took the towel from her with the plate. “Here, I’ll help.”
Him helping her was the last thing Alina wanted, but she didn’t admit that since there were only two dishes left. She listened to the two of them, always surprised by how nice Antonio was to Nera when he was usually a jackass to everyone else around him.
At least Nera had distracted him. Antonio left soon after, but he sent a pointed look toward Alina.
She was almost certain she’d find handcuffs in her room later, if only for his own amusement.
“I’m sorry. I know Antonio makes you uncomfortable, but he’s not a bad person.” Nera frowned as she wiped down the counters. “It took me a while to realize that. Antonio really loves Giovanni. He’s overprotective, and he’s never fully forgiven Luka for trying to kill Giovanni back when they first met.”
Alina stared at Nera. “Luka tried to kill him?” That wasn’t quite the relationship that she had pictured between the two of them. She’d seen it as something… sweeter.
“Well, he was also the reason Giovanni lived. It was how they met, but Antonio is very black and white, and Giovanni was injured. So was Luka.”
Alina shook her head. “What a strange way to become friends.” She remembered the first time she’d met Luka. At the time, she had expected the worst to happen, but instead, he’d held out his hand.
She wondered if Giovanni had been offered that same hand, and frowned, trying to ignore the jealousy spiking through her.
Nera’s laugh pulled her attention. “Neither of them call each other that, though I see them as friends as well. You’ve seemed sad all day. Are you worried about Luka?”
Alina hesitated, but decided it was silly to deny it. She nodded.
“I’m sorry. He’s on a job for Giovanni, so that’s our fault.” Her hand lifted to squeeze Alina’s shoulder. “It’s hard, isn’t it? When the one you love isn’t around?”
Alina’s jealousy shifted a little. Nera was so very certain of Giovanni’s love. She was constantly assured of it. Alina had heard Giovanni tell her more than once, even though the Mafia boss was also the quiet type. No one could be as quiet as Luka, and it wasn’t the same, but Giovanni was quiet enough that she’d noticed. Giovanni also touched Nera often. It seemed like they shared almost everything, with Nera disappearing into all the meetings with him.
They had each other, and they seemed so certain of it.
Meanwhile, Alina had been counting down the days, possibly even hours now, until Luka told her he was leaving for good.
Chapter 28
Luka knew he didn’t have to sneak into the Di Salvo estate, but there was something about entering through the front door that made him feel exposed.
The slight burn along his left side added to the feeling. He’d lost his focus for just a moment, long enough for a bullet to skim him. He hadn’t been thinking about the moments in Giovanni’s room that he’d been too scared to repeat. No, a flash of her face smiling had entered his mind because he’d missed her. A full day hadn’t passed; he just missed her.
Giovanni’s advice had been what he needed. Before he could leave to finish things with Ivankov, he had to figure out a way he’d be able to return.
The window to Alina’s room had been secured. He’d seen to it since it was on the bottom floor, so he couldn’t slip inside right where he wanted to be. Di Salvos milled about the lower hallway, but night had fallen. There were plenty of shadows.
Antonio was waiting beneath the bright sconce in the hallway, past where the stairs led up to the second floor. Luka was tempted to retrace his steps and find another way around. Giovanni’s brother could be stubborn, though, so he paused and waited.
The man blew out the sweet-smelling smoke that he preferred, though he rarely smelled like it. He stared up at the ceiling. “It’s done then?”
Luka saw no need to answer. His return was answer enough.
“Of course it is. It was my idea to use you. Once a killer, always a killer, right? You enjoy it, just like that sick fuck pakhan whose shoes you lick.” His chin fell as his blue eyes latched onto Luka, even hidden in the shadow. His eyes were so much colder than Giovanni’s ever were. “You should have killed him long ago. That’s what you claimed you wanted.”
“I’ve tried.” The words startled Luka more than Antonio. Normally he had to choose to speak, make the effort to push his voice free. These fell between them with a sadness he never wanted to show this Di Salvo.
“Bullshit.” Antonio’s disdain sounded harsh. “You enjoy the way he tugs on your leash too much. Just admit it and go back. Then that girl will get over moping about you like she did today.”
Luka had been picturing her smiling. That image faded into the expression she’d worn in the beginning. And after the diner.
“I feel sorry for her. All she can think about is you. What a waste.” He pushed off the wall. “Don’t be surprised by the way you find her in your room. She’s probably still crying.”
Luka’s eyes burned as he looked toward the door he’d been drawn to, that he would always be drawn to. His feet were already moving.
“Set her free soon, won’t you?” Antonio called after him as he walked away.