Page 68 of Broken Captive
She couldn’t keep still. Her hips shifted and lifted. His erection filled her, and it didn’t hurt at all. No, it felt good that he was inside her. Each shift eased some of the tingling pressure, only to make it so much worse after.
His fingers sped up as her hips did. The only thing Luka moved was his finger, in ever tightening caresses, until he was shifting back and forth in one place that was almost too intense to bear. She tried to shift away, but he simply followed.
“Luka!” His name sounded odd to her ears. Like she was asking for something. Her body had changed. Each time she lifted against him was a little easier, the slide increasing the sharp ache. The pulse of tingles switched to a sudden throbbing until they burst into a heartbeat that had her crying out his name again. Her thighs squeezed his hips as she clamped down on him to contain the pulsing squeezes inside.
Luka shouted as his hand shifted away to brace himself. He thrust into her, pushing deeper inside as his own pulses joined hers. It was like hers caused his, and his eyes widened in that blissful wonder she’d seen once before.
The heat that had spread through her body sapped all her tension and she melted beneath him. Even her legs relaxed, hanging off the end of the bed.
Luka’s erection softened inside her. He slowly pulled out, and they both let out little unhappy sounds as they disconnected.
Alina forced her eyes open. Luka was staring between her legs, and he frowned. He left her on the bed and entered the bathroom. She was too tired to keep her eyes open.
Soon a warm, damp cloth wiped between her legs, easing the feeling of being a little messy there. Her legs curled up when he returned to the bathroom, but not as if she was protecting herself. It was more that she wanted to hold on to the memory of him having been there.
The soft blanket was spread over her. She sighed in contentment as the bed dipped beside her. Luka’s fingers curled around her wrist, skin sliding against skin. He hadn’t pulled on his glove.
Her eyes opened to find him watching her. She didn’t have to ask him if what they’d done had been okay. His expression as he’d come inside her had told her enough.
When he moved his face closer and his lips brushed hers in a gentle kiss, the feelings inside her melted into something too perfect to ever find words for.
She opened her mouth to try anyway. To tell him of her love again, because they both needed to hear it.
“Stay,” slipped out instead.
His eyes widened as that small smile of his vanished.
“Don’t go. I don’t ever want you to leave. Stay with me.” She really was begging, but not because anyone had told her to. She simply had something she never wanted to let go of. She forced her hands to remain still, to not grab him again. “I’m sorry. It’s how I really feel. I thought if I could just have you once…” It had been impossible from the start. “But it’s not enough. It’ll never be enough. Luka, be with me. Always.”
The soft smile didn’t return. There was confusion in his eyes. When he answered her, she almost didn’t believe she heard his voice.
Alina’s hand tensed. He must have felt it, because his fingers stroked over her racing pulse. “Okay?” she asked, wondering if she’d already fallen asleep. He couldn’t have said that. She must be dreaming.
Luka nodded instead of speaking again.
“Are you sure?” she asked, her voice breaking.
Luka’s lips parted, closed, and then parted again. “I love you,” he said.
Alina’s chest squeezed. “Say it again.” She knew it had taken a lot and wanted to recall the demand. She was so selfish, but her breath caught as she waited.
“I love you,” he said in that barely-there voice of his. “I’ll stay.”
Then he leaned forward and kissed her again.
Chapter 30
Luka expected to be hit with a wave of guilt. He’d promised Willow so many times that he would kill the person who had destroyed their lives; kill him or die trying.
He’d had the opportunity to try again at the warehouse. Ivankov had been injured. Luka would have finally had an advantage, but hearing that Alina was being targeted had wiped everything else from his mind.
He no longer believed dying in the attempt was best. Giovanni had told him to find a way to return. Luka couldn’t think of one. He’d tried to kill his monster dozens of times over the years. He was always the one left bleeding instead. Ivankov chose to keep him alive each time, though sometimes he was careless. Like when he’d slit Luka’s stomach wide open.
Giovanni had patched him up more than once over the years. Without him, Luka might have already been gone. Giovanni had been born to his own monster. He’d understood Luka’s need to be the one to kill Ivankov, and he’d never asked him to not attempt it.
Alina had asked Luka to stay.