Page 109 of Broken Resolve
Vespa frowned. “Well, yeah.”
“Right, I know you know that.” Alina gestured with her hand, the one with the tart. “I’m just saying, he and Giovanni were still friends back then. Neither use that word, but what would you call saving each other’s lives?” She shrugged, nibbling the crimped edge of the pastry.
“You save those you care about,” Vespa murmured. Emotions had made someone like Antonio reckless. The reminder shouldn’t have made her all warm inside.
“You’ll find a way,” Alina said. Her green eyes were intent when they stared at Vespa. “I’ve said it before, but I really admire you. I’ve never had a friend before, but, well, I hope we can become that someday.” Her expression turned almost wistful.
Vespa blanched. “You mean the playing with each other’s hair, going shopping, and talking about boys type of friends?”
Alina’s mouth fell open. “What? No!” She frowned, biting her lip. “Is that what having a friend is? I… don’t really know.”
Vespa shrugged. “Montrell has been my only one, and his fat fingers sure as hell never braided my hair.” She snorted. “For us, it’s more ragging each other, bumping shoulders, and killing anyone that takes a shot at either of us.”
Alina’s smile returned. “That sounds nice.” She took a full bite of her tart.
Vespa studied the woman. “It does,” she mumbled, then crossed to the couch, sprawling on it. “So, tell me how someone sweet like you hasn’t had one goddamned friend?”
As she listened to Alina talk about a small house in the woods, Vespa thought it was a shame she wouldn’t have an opportunity to kill for Alina, since her guardian was already dead, but maybe there would be an opportunity in the future. The tricky part would be beating the assassin to it if it ever happened.
Antonio paused on the bottom step as Vespa punched one of the Di Salvos in the arm with a laugh. He’d been on his way to the Coronella estate to see her. To have her in front of him instead made him feel almost lightheaded. Damn, his obsession with her wasn’t fading at all.
The Di Salvo soldiers in the main hall interacted with her in a respectful way that wouldn’t lead to Antonio dragging any of them to the basement. Those times seemed to have passed. To both Vespa and Nera, all the soldiers showed a mixture of awe and careful deference. Well, the awe was stronger for Nera. Vespa was a little too casual to maintain that front, but they still respected her.
They even seemed to enjoy her visits. Antonio watched with a critical eye. He’d never been particularly friendly with the other Di Salvos, just as Vespa wasn’t really friendly with the Coronellas. She maintained a distance as their enforcer. Not that she didn’t with the Di Salvos, but it felt a little softer somehow.
Maybe because it was Antonio who would do the killing if something happened.
He stepped forward, loving the way her eyes lifted and widened slightly before her grin took over. “Hey, Antonio,” she said, moving toward him.
Antonio met her halfway, but was careful not to touch her. Neither enjoyed a lot of PDA around the soldiers. “I thought I was heading your way.”
She reached out, fiddling with the buckle on his sling. He only had a week left wearing it. He already wanted to rip it off, but Giovanni had given him that sad frown when he’d mentioned it that made him feel like he’d kicked a puppy.
Vespa leaned up, whispering in his ear, “Don’t tell Giulia, but I was craving some of Nera’s cooking.”
Antonio felt a lurch and a squeeze in his chest. He was going to miss dinners at the Di Salvos’ estate the most.
He watched as Vespa laughed with his family that night. Despite her views of herself, she fit in well. The first time she’d come over for dinner, she had barely eaten. Afterward, she’d confessed to being self-conscious when she ate around others. Even now, she didn’t shovel it in like she did when it was just the two of them, but was careful in the way she used the utensils.
Vespa put a lot more effort than she realized into being liked by others. It was just another aspect of her that drew him in—it was completely the opposite of himself. He’d rather people fear him than like him, would rather lie and manipulate and do what was necessary.
As he watched Vespa rag Enzo, his worry that the Di Salvos wouldn’t be okay without his particular skills resurfaced, but he shoved it down.
“Where’s Tommaso tonight?” Vespa asked.
Nera glanced at the empty seat with a smile. “He’s trying to get our guest to come out of her room again.”
Antonio had tried to foist Rossi’s fiancée off on Enzo, but it had been Tommaso who ended up being most patient with her, even though he didn’t understand a thing she said.
Vespa laughed. “She has him wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
Nera’s smile faltered. “We still don’t understand everything she’s been through. There’s a lot of work ahead if we want to eradicate Rossi’s network.”
Giovanni laid a hand over hers. “We’ve made progress.”
She turned her hand, clasping his. “We have.” Her brow wrinkled as she turned her eyes onto Antonio. “Speaking of progress, Barone’s daughter reached out again. Have you had any more thoughts regarding the best path forward, Antonio?”
He sighed. He’d been avoiding her calls. “I feel for the daughter, but it’s a little awkward since she keeps pushing for marriage.” His scowl formed. “Even though I’ve turned her down repeatedly.”