Page 8 of Broken Resolve
“Are you sure about this?”
“Quit stalling, Vespa. Kiss me, and then we’ll both put tonight behind us.”
The annoyance scattered her nerves, and she closed the distance between them. Her lips were hard at first because of her irritation, but his were as soft as they’d looked, and they drained the tension that had filled her. Hers became more pliant as she shifted angles slightly, her hand moving to the back of his neck for leverage as they moved their lips at the same time.
It was as if she’d let something electric touch her. Tingles flowed through her body from the place where her lips met his. Good tingles, ones that made her want to kiss him more. So she did, slanting her lips over his, loving the feel of him against her mouth and under her fingers. Loving the taste of him as his scent filled her senses, something spicy mixed in with the sweet, grape smell from before. Her tongue darted out to slide over his lower lip, as if she could lap up that flavor. He groaned under her tongue, parted his lips, and the kiss changed.
More heat filled her, and more of those delicious tingles, and just… more. Her other hand joined the first, holding on tight as she lost count of how many times their lips slanted over each other. The first stroke of his tongue reminded her how much she liked that, but she pushed down the memory and focused on the sensation, the one that drew her closer to his body until her breasts pressed against his chest again.
This time there was no wall at her back, no threat of being closed in. No, they touched because she had wanted them to touch, and there was no need to think, not when her body was taking over. She rubbed her breasts against his chest, making her nipples ache. The sensation sent an answering throb below that felt so fucking good.
Antonio panted against her lips. “Damn, it doesn’t suck.”
“Shut up,” she said, tugging on his hair so he’d kiss her again.
She didn’t need to breathe. She needed more of this delicious man who was making her feel things again for the first time in forever. Their lips clung, their tongues tangled, and she pressed her body more firmly along his. Everywhere pressed just right, including his erection, which jutted out right where she could cup it between her thighs.
The sudden whimper that slid from her as she ground against his cock was embarrassing, and she hoped he was as dazed as she was. Or at least that he would pretend not to notice.
He nipped at her bottom lip, and another sound escaped her that she would deny. She rocked against him, feeling out of control and needy as fuck. Each rock of her hips only made her ache worse. It was nowhere near enough. She wanted more.
Her hands moved between them to his zipper.
He grabbed her before she could pull down, lifting his head. “Wait, Vespa, wait.” His eyes shut as he panted against her lips, making her want to close that inch between them and taste him all over again.
But the words also brought her to reality. She blinked as a laugh reached her ears from the front of the alley. Fear skittered up her spine as she realized how vulnerable she might have let herself become.
She started to pull back, but Antonio cupped her shoulders, not tight enough to force her to stay, but as if he was inviting her to.
“Give me a minute. I’d rather not show off how hard kissing you made me.” His breath shuddered. “You okay?”
“I’m horny, Antonio.” It came out like an accusation, and she grimaced.
For some reason, he laughed. “Well, at least we’re on the same page. That’s good.”
She blew out a breath. “No, it’s not good. I was willing to fuck you in this alley. That’s crazy.”
“That’s fucking hot, but yeah, that won’t work. I doubt anyone followed us to this side of town, but being out in the open like this is asking for trouble.” His breathing slowed as analytical Antonio moved to the front, scanning the alley around them. “I doubt either of us wants to be seen at one of the estates. There’s a hotel a block down. You game?” His eyes focused back on her.
Vespa’s body was shouting a resounding yes, making her mind spin as she bit her lip to keep the acceptance inside.
His thumbs rubbed over her arms, making her shudder even though it wasn’t sexual at all. It also wasn’t the type of caress anyone had given her before, and it filled a need she’d been trying to deny since she’d scampered off Montrell’s lap the other morning. No, it wasn’t a sexual need. Human touch was something she often denied herself, at least the gentle kind. The kind that meant someone cared. If she no longer had that with Montrell, she was going to be lonely as hell. Letting herself admit it sent pain crashing inside.
Antonio’s face softened as he continued to study her. “That’s a no. I understand, Vespa. Neither of us expected the kiss to combust like that.” He released her shoulders, stepping back and taking off his jacket. Her gaze latched onto the evidence of exactly what wanted to combust before he held the jacket in front of him as a shield. He shuffled back another step to give her more room.
She erased the space between them by stepping forward and kissing his startled mouth. Fuck it. She’d never gotten this close to having sex again. “You’re wrong. It’s a yes.”
His jaw tightened. “Are you sure?”
“I want this. I still can’t believe it’s you, but my body is more than sure. My mind is just a little confused about it.”
“We can slow down. Give ourselves more time to consider it.” He ran his free hand over his hair, and the nervous gesture made her more certain of her choice.
“No, if we do this, we get it out of our systems tonight.” She shrugged. “We’re both clear on this, right? That it’s a one-time thing, not to be spoken about after.”
His lips curved up. “I can do that.”
She nodded. “Good. I also don’t want to walk in together. I’ll get the room and text you the number. Okay?”