Page 87 of Broken Resolve
The sudden spasms of a swift orgasm blew the last of her thoughts away.
His hand shifted out of her underwear. His wet fingers dragged her own away from her mouth so his lips could cover it. He was kissing her like a drowning man who’d given up on breathing. Her chest struggled against how tight it had become as he groaned into her mouth.
He lifted his head, and she managed to suck in some air. It was full of the sweet and spicy scent of Antonio.
His pupils were blown wide. “I’m not done with you. Turn around and bite into that pretty hand of yours again.”
Her body obeyed the way he urged her to move. The hard crate flattened her breasts as she covered her mouth again, blocking her moan when he dragged her pants down lower.
“These fucking boots. It’ll just have to remain tight.” His hand smoothed over her ass cheeks, making her eyes close as sensation flooded her. “Fuck, I love these black thongs of yours.” He dragged her thong down to where her pants had bunched.
Air swirled around her, dragging out another muffled gasp.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going for this ass without lube.” His hand moved between her legs, and he pushed his fingers inside her pussy. “I’m going in bare, Vespa, so I hope you’re still on birth control. I’ve been dreaming about flooding you with my cum.”
His cock replaced his fingers, rocking an inch inside of her. Her hips shoved back, taking him deep all at once, and her teeth sank into her hand to keep from shouting at the feel of him there.
He rested over her back, pressing her harder into the crate. “You’re not in charge here. You can’t fucking take me like that when I’m doing the taking.” He mouthed her neck before biting and making her writhe. “Even if it felt fucking fantastic,” he breathed in her ear.
His hand moved to where he stretched her, rubbing over her lips. “You feel me here, don’t you?” He shifted his touch higher, rubbing her clit again. “You’re so perfect, Ves. I’m not going to last. I don’t plan to. You’re going to remain sprawled on this box while I use you to come.” The desire inside her had twisted tighter from his attention to her clit, but he moved his hand away as he lifted from where his body had pressed against her back. “Don’t worry. I’ll make you come all over my softening cock after, but first I’m going to fuck you.”
And then he began to move.
His thrusts were hard and fast and lacked any rhythm or finesse as he chased his own climax. Antonio had completely released his control, and she wished she was facing him so she could see what that looked like.
All she could think about was the way he filled her. All she could focus on was the stretch of him using her as his hand kept her pinned. He cut off his own shout as he thrust deep and flooded her, just like he’d promised. His body collapsed on top of her, and his erratic breaths filled her ears as his fingers found her again.
“Now you,” he mumbled, already working her clit.
Vespa didn’t realize how tightly strung her body had become. He didn’t even have to pinch to set her off. Her pussy clamped down on his softening cock just as he’d said it would.
Antonio cursed against her neck as he thrust forward, and she felt him orgasm inside her again, his mixing with her own.
He remained on top of her long after. There was something about the way their breathing mingled in the enclosed space around them that extended her peaceful calm.
“Better?” he asked.
Vespa let her hand fall away from her mouth. “Fucking floaty.”
His lips brushed over her neck before he pulled out. He helped to put both of them to rights before tucking her body against his. His good arm wrapped around her.
“That was the second time you gave me a double,” he said. “I didn’t even know that was possible before you.”
She hummed against the crook of his neck, too tired for words.
“You knew you could have asked to stop at any time, right?” Antonio asked, and there was concern filtering into his voice.
She grunted. “I wanted that. Sorry, I know you like when I take charge.”
“I told you before, Ves. I like both.” His lips were featherlight against her forehead again. “I thought that was pretty clear from the way I let loose.”
She smacked his good arm as she stepped free. “I can already feel you leaking out of me, asshole. That’s all I’m going to be able to think about while I’m standing around the others.”
He huffed a laugh. “They all know anyway. You suck at muffling yourself.”
“Whatever. I’m not embarrassed to have sex.” Some of her nerves seeped back inside. “If the sex distracts him, that’s a bonus. I’m dreading the ‘I told you so’ and all the worry Montrell is going to lay on me.” She brushed Antonio’s chin scar with her finger.
Antonio’s smile looked forced again. “So I shouldn’t mention my own worry?”