Page 62 of Broken Worth
“I have your permission? Anything I want?” Montrell searched her eyes.
Her hands tightened around his neck, then loosened. She melted back against the table, her legs spreading wider as she looked up at him. His heart clenched when she tried to smile but couldn’t hold it. “Yes. Consider me yours for the taking tonight.”
“No, Bea.” She gasped as he hauled her ass closer to the table’s edge. His hands stroked over her thighs. “I’m yours. Never forget that.” He pushed her tight skirt up to bunch around her waist. With her legs splayed, his view of her pussy gave him a head rush. He growled, feeling almost feral as he pushed her dress even higher, liking it when her bare ass was against the tablecloth. “I came here to eat. So tonight I’m feasting on this sweet cunt of yours.”
She let out a sound that prompted him to look away from his prize. Her eyes were wide. She was back to looking vulnerable, and he ran his hands along her inner thighs in an attempt to soothe her. “You can still say ‘no,’ Bea. You can always say ‘no’ to me. Now. While I’m enjoying the hell out of you. When I’m eventually inside of you. It’s okay to give up control, but also stop things if they ever don’t feel right.”
She swallowed. “Lean down.”
He leaned over her, stunned when she met his face to kiss him. Her touch was soft again, but somehow the pressure of her lips squeezed his cock even harder as he fought off the sudden binding in his chest. His forehead lay against hers after as he stared into her eyes.
Hers still showed her nerves. “Are you sure using your mouth on me is all you want?”
“All? Like it’s not enough?” His mouth was already watering. “I’m dying to taste you again. To prove that the sweetness I remember wasn’t all a fever dream.”
Her brow wrinkled. “But—”
“Lie there like a good girl and let my tongue fuck you like you deserve.”
Her lips parted on her shocked exhale as he lifted away from her. His hands spread her thighs farther apart as he crouched between them and put his face right where it belonged.
Chapter 20
Montrell was kneeling between her legs, his hands gentle as he squeezed her thighs. He stared at her pussy like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
Her mind had gone blissfully blank even before he leaned into her and used his tongue to spread her lips open from bottom to top. Well, almost the top. He stopped before he reached her clit, which surprised her, but apparently it was her lips he wanted to devour. He began kissing them and sucking in a way she’d never considered, his face literally buried in her pussy, and she couldn’t wrap her mind around it at all. Especially not when he gave a deep and desperate sounding moan as he sucked her lip into his mouth.
“M-Montrell?” she asked, not sure why her voice was trembling as her legs tried to close.
He pulled away enough to look up at her, meeting her eyes from where he was between her thighs. His own looked dazed with need.
He turned his face against her inner thigh, placing a kiss there that make her flesh tingle at the feel of his lips and beard. His tongue flicked against her skin before he kissed again. “Relax, Bea. I’m going to take my time.”
And then he did that slow, long lick again. Montrell was a big man. Even his tongue felt huge.
His nose almost nudged her clit as he breathed in deeply. “Fuck, you smell good.” He mouthed her lip again. “Taste good too. I’ve been craving this taste.”
Any wetness down there was from his saliva. There was nothing for him to taste. Beatrice swallowed as her nerves returned. “But I’m not—”
His hands squeezed her thighs hard, choking off her protest as her eyes met his. “You’re perfect, Bea. Say any different, and I’ll get mad.”
He had that petulant tilt to his lips. On a man the size of him, the pout was too adorable for words. And she realized the wine had made him tipsy after all.
No wonder he was letting himself be a bit more forceful.
His lips mouthed her thigh. “You’re nervous. I dove in too fast, didn’t I?” His eyes closed as he gave her a little bite that shot a throb higher into her. “Sorry. I was impatient. Let’s help you relax.” His hands massaged her thighs as his lips drifted and kissed and nipped. Her skin tingled as he reached the crease in her leg and sucked.
Beatrice fell back against her arms. They trembled as she held her torso slightly up. More than anything, she wanted to watch him.
“That’s a good girl,” he said with soothing strokes of his hands that encouraged her legs to spread wider. “Relax for me. Let me take my gift.”
The word ‘take’ sent another pulse through her. He was holding back—she knew it—but he was in charge.
And suddenly she no longer had it in her to worry. Montrell would take care of her.
He kissed over her pubic hair before he parted her with his fingers.
“Your smell is driving me crazy. I want the hell out of you, Bea.”