Page 65 of Broken Worth
The door to the kitchen swung open.
Montrell’s hand moved to her skirt, but he’d already smoothed it over the top of her thighs. She was decent.
He still flushed at Giulia’s knowing look. Her head tilted as she studied them together. “I said for you to talk, but it looks like using that mouth of yours paid off anyway.”
“Giulia!” Montrell hissed, tensing as Beatrice’s head bobbed against his chest. His other hand held her to him a little tighter.
Giulia smirked. “Don’t be a prude. I was the one who gave you the sex talk.”
Montrell didn’t feel any better for the reminder. “This was your fault, giving me the wine.” He winced, already feeling a slight headache. “I didn’t expect you to listen to us.”
Her smile softened. “I didn’t. I sat in the car for a bit.”
The heat in Montrell’s cheeks still didn’t go away. He was again glad for his beard. Which smelled of her. And fuck, that was one reason he still wasn’t softening. “Have the car brought around?” he asked.
Giulia nodded. “But we’ll go out the back. Your hands are too full to help me carry the leftovers.”
Beatrice had expected him to fuck her tonight. Maybe she had wanted it. Maybe not. But no way was he going to tear into her without lube.
No, when he made love to her, he’d prove all over again that it didn’t have to bring any pain.
Carrying her in his arms was no hardship. It made him realize the truth of what he had said earlier. She’d lost weight over the last five years. When she was standing in those heels and taking up all the air in the room, he forgot she was only a slip of a thing.
At least she was big enough to hide his erection as he carried her to the car.
He felt way too much as he cuddled her on his lap on the ride home. Her breathing was deep and even. She really must feel safe with him.
Giulia sat across from them, the leftovers warming her lap as she stared out the window.
“You never told her anything about your mother, did you?” she asked quietly.
Montrell swallowed, pulling Beatrice a little tighter against his neck. “It’s in the past.” Her warm breath fluttered over his skin. “She heard our conversation earlier.”
Giulia let out a soft snort. “Of course she did. That one is sharp. She knows information is currency, and she isn’t above eavesdropping.” Her eyes shifted to his wife. “I like that about her.”
“You do?” Montrell was happy. Giulia’s blessing meant a lot.
Giulia looked out the window again. “If you’re surprised she listened in, it just means you’ve been around Vespa too much. Vespa and you are honest and straightforward.” Her hands tightened around the containers in her lap as the car pulled up the drive. “It’ll be good for you to have someone who will complement that.”
Montrell nodded. “She’s so much more than I remembered. I’m a lucky son of a bitch.”
Giulia was back to glaring at him. “She’s lucky to have you too. Don’t let Maeve into your head.” Her expression smoothed. “It sounds like you’re smitten with your wife. That’s good.”
Montrell ran a hand along Beatrice’s back. “I’m hers. For as long as she’ll have me.”
“Always putting yourself last.” Giulia shook her head, but her smile finally appeared, soft and loving, so different from the mother he had known. “I’ll be there for you if she decides to break your heart.”
She slipped out of the car first.
Montrell carried Beatrice inside. He should have returned her to her room—she’d be most comfortable there—but he couldn’t quite make himself do it.
He cuddled her in his arms on his bed instead, just as they were. They’d fallen asleep together the night before. He wanted that again. And he did sleep.
When she stirred against his chest sometime in the middle of the night, his eyes cracked open. Beatrice stretched along his body, which was all sorts of enticing. Her legs extended to entangle with his.
“Brought me here to fuck me?” she murmured, her voice muffled as she rubbed her face against his chest. Her mouth cracked open in a yawn as her eyes closed again.
Beatrice remained relaxed and loose. Montrell was the one who tensed.