Page 76 of Broken Worth
Vespa’s gaze switched to his face, and she blinked.
He nodded toward Beatrice. “You’ll help keep her safe?”
Vespa sighed. “She’s a Coronella.” She pushed off the wall. “I wish there were two of me, though.”
He watched her stomp over to protect his new consigliere, and the warmth in his chest expanded.
Beatrice had the oddest feeling. It was as if she were floating, but her heels were very much on the ground. She’d had trouble concentrating on the business talks happening around her. Well, no, not around her. They were happening with her at their center.
She’d never had trouble focusing on business before, but now her fingers tingled with the urge to hold Montrell tight.
Which would be ridiculous. He’d just given her the status she’d always wanted. Ignoring everything to snuggle with him in the corner wouldn’t send the right message.
She really wanted to, though.
When she realized she couldn’t imagine life without him, she lost track of whatever she’d been saying. She wasn’t just with him. She wanted to be with him. And so she felt all sorts of emotions that became a tangled ball in her chest and a giddy inability to focus.
Vespa nudged her arm.
Beatrice refocused on the man standing in front of her. Leandro Barone wasn’t used to being ignored. His gray hair made his eyes seem darker as she found him staring at her. “We’ll set up a date to discuss your offer further,” she said. Some ideas swirled in her mind regarding the joint business venture he’d proposed, but they weren’t fully formed enough to be eloquent. Besides, it never hurt to give herself time to plan the details with all possible caveats in mind.
Antonio Di Salvo was the last to approach her, his perpetual, wolfish grin in place. “It seems we’ll be working more closely together now that we have similar roles.” His eyes shifted to Vespa, who was already scowling at him. “Will you be looking after her as well? Maybe her style will rub off on you.”
“I don’t need style to kill you,” Vespa muttered.
Antonio chuckled, leaning closer to Vespa’s ear to say something.
Vespa’s eyes dilated, and Beatrice decided to give them a moment.
Besides, Montrell had told her she should give Nera a chance. Beatrice couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a woman as a friend.
Nera and her husband were talking to Montrell, which made approaching them even better, but what she overheard Giovanni Di Salvo saying as she walked up made her stomach twist.
“We told the O’Connells that they should speak to you first,” he was explaining.
Montrell stiffened as he nodded. “I appreciate it. I’ll let you know if they reach out.”
Beatrice moved to his side and squeezed his arm. The tension there seeped away beneath her touch.
Montrell’s gaze swept around the room. “Looks like the older generation cleared out finally.” His eyes settled on Giovanni. “I still think we should just kill them, Di Salvo.”
Giovanni didn’t nod or shake his head. “It’s worth the attempt.”
Beatrice squeezed Montrell’s arm. “My father needs to suffer more before we kill him.”
Nera studied her. “Should we celebrate your new position? We have sweets in the kitchen.” Her head turned toward Vespa, who had approached the group, leaving Antonio behind. “Alina is down there as well.”
“Hard pass,” Vespa muttered.
“Scared she’ll hug you again?” Antonio asked, strolling up to knock shoulders with her.
Vespa shuddered. “Don’t even joke about that!”
Beatrice shared a smile with Montrell, though his expression became more serious as he fell into step beside Giovanni. “I guess that means your pet assassin is lurking around.”
Antonio’s smile fell. “He’s around as often as he likes, much to my disgust.” He sighed but looked at Giovanni fondly. “Someone has a soft spot for the little creep.”
“Luka saved my life,” Giovanni said in a tone that suggested they’d had this conversation time and time again.