Page 116 of Retribution
My stomach growls so loudly, I’d blush if I had enough blood in my body.
“Heard you loud and clear there, boss. I’m on it!” Jackson runs off to find food, I’m assuming.
Sitting up slowly, I’m confused by our unfamiliar surroundings.
“Where are we?” I ask groggily.
“Bennet’s swanky penthouse in Boston.” Answers Micah, carrying a stack of fluffy towels to the bathroom. “Wait until you see this tub.”
The room is shockingly white, with modern black and glass furnishings. The bed that I’m sitting on is nearly twice as big as our King sized bed back at home.
Bennet walks into the room, already stripped down to a pair of black boxer briefs and a white t-shirt. I pretend not to notice the sweat stains. I know he’d hate it.
“Did you have five girlfriends before you met me?”
He barks out a laugh at that, leaning over to kiss me. His lips are so soft and warm. I want to press into them and kiss him deeper, but he pulls away from me.
Well, that’s some bullshit.
He chuckles at my pout. “You’re still a bit pale. Let’s get you fed, and for the love of all that is holy, get us all bathed. Then we’ll see how you feel.” Then, probably just to tease me, he leans forward and kisses me again, swiping his tongue at my lips once before pulling away.
Oh no, he didn’t…
My mouth opens in mock outrage, but then I snicker loudly when I see Bennet’s very obvious erection. My snickers turn into full out giggles when I see his pained facial expression.
When Jackson comes back into the room with a platter of food, the amused expression on his face has me laughing so hard that I’m in danger of getting lightheaded.
All of my guys are walking in and out of the bathroom, bringing in various items, while I sit on the bed and eat fancy cheese and crackers. It’s some kind of baked cheese that is gooey and has jam poured over the top. I want to bathe in it.
I’m literally moaning when I get a juicy bite of cherry with my fancy cheese and cracker. I can’t help it. “This is my new favorite food. I’m never eating anything else ever again.”
It’s so good, in fact, that it distracts me from my curiosity about whatever these guys have planned and I’m almost disappointed when they try to take the plate from me.
“We’ll give it back, I promise. Don’t bite me over it,” Jackson says, laughing.
Although I can walk, I get scooped up into Micah’s arms before unceremoniously being thrown over his shoulder.
“Haha! Caveman style!” He bellows, bounding off to the bathroom.
Shrieking and pounding my fists against his muscular ass, which is having no effect other than turning me on, I resort to slipping my hands under the waistband of his boxer briefs and grabbing a handful.
I’m so distracted that I take a moment to realize all of what’s happening around me.
The first thing I notice is the music. I stop struggling against Micah and listen to the strumming of a guitar.
That doesn’t sound like it’s coming from a radio.
Arching my back and craning my neck to see, I give Micah’s ass one last hard punch before he finally sets me down.
The atmosphere of the luxury bathroom is overwhelming. There are candles everywhere, the flickering lights reflecting off the shiny black marble of the stairs leading up into a Jacuzzi tub that rivals ours back home. The faint smell of lavender and jasmine permeates the warm, steamy air.
And then Jackson sings along with his guitar playing. His voice is soft and clear with just the tiniest rasp. He’s sung to me so many times before, but only really under his breath, never using his full voice and certainly never while playing his guitar. When he hits a high part in the melody, I melt, unable to take my eyes off him.
Until the most unexpected harmony starts, Lukas’ voice merging seamlessly with Jackson’s. I’m breathless, my eyes blurry with tears. Their voices reach a crescendo as the last chords play, harmonizing with each other until the notes fade away and the room falls silent.
I have no words for what I just experienced, for what I feel. I’m overwhelmed by it. But I don’t need words. Like their song said, I can show them how I feel with more than words.
Looking around at each of these amazing men, there are truly no words to describe how happy, how complete, I feel with them. I was never meant to be here, born from greed, trauma, and evil. But that lab, however accidentally, created something beautiful when they made us part of each other.