Page 67 of Retribution
“If you don't get off my cock right now, we won't be going anywhere for a very long time. And as much as I'd like nothing more than to rearrange your guts for the next hour, we should probably go check in on the situation. I don't imagine they'll give Bennet the shot without you present.”
That, unfortunately, makes her move. I sigh as she slides off my semi-hard cock, but it comes out as an embarrassingly breathy whimper. The way she looks at me when that sound escapes is almost predatory and I think for a moment that we might not leave after all, but she stands and starts towards the bathroom.
As I watch her walk away, I think again of all the things I did back at the lab, all to keep her safe. It should frighten me that I was capable of that level of violence, but mostly what it does is assure me I am capable of doing what needs to be done. Maybe that mindset isn't healthy, and contributed to me going over the top so quickly.
I feel bad about how I treated my brothers. But I'm not sorry for the fact that I'll do whatever it takes to protect Six.
Everyone is sitting in a circle around Bennet's hospital bed when we make it back to the main bedroom. They've left my chair open so I can sit closest and hold his hand. It's where I've been spending most of my time when we're in this room. I'd wanted to climb in and lay with him, but his injuries are too extensive to risk it.
Luis pulls Jackson out of the room to talk. I hope they can talk it out and realize that they both have the best intentions. I know Luis intends to apologize for losing his temper.
I was honestly surprised, and maybe a little impressed, at the way Jackson was standing up to him despite how terrifying Luis was in that moment. His demeanor alone was enough to suck all the air out of the room, and it was quite obvious who his anger was aimed at, although I'm still not sure I understand why. Dr. Franks looked like he might pee himself the way Luis was staring him down. I don't know what he thought the doctor would do.
Once the two brothers come back into the room, Jackson joking and slapping Luis' back, everyone seems to relax a bit. It didn't occur to me before, but Jackson is still only wearing the hospital gown, which both amuses and saddens me. It's amusing because he looks ridiculous, but it also makes me remember the way Bennet looked at me when I was in the hospital and had a mishap with the hospital gown I was wearing. I feel a pang of longing, remembering Bennet’s stern countenance, except in those few moments when I caught his eyes on my bare ass.
I notice Luis is still watching Dr. Franks carefully, but he doesn't look like he wants to rip out his spine and beat him with it. He looks around the room, no doubt noticing how the chatter in the room stopped the moment he came back in.
“I lost my temper. The situation is a bit fucked, and I panicked.”
Dr. Franks clears his throat, but it's Micah that speaks up. “While you were…out of the room, I think we came up with a good plan that just might work.”
Everyone is still a bit on edge, and it feels like the guys are walking on eggshells around Luis' mood right now. He really was that scary.
I’m not sure what it says about me that seeing him like that made me throb. He was so…menacing. Unhinged. Panty meltingly dangerous.
“Well, let's hear it. I'm listening.” Luis says, taking an empty seat.
“There are still details to work out, but here's what we're thinking—you have the medical power of attorney, and we have access to a lot of Adley money, thanks to Tony. The way things look right now is not good, and if we didn't know what we know, his imminent death would be expected.”
Just those words make my stomach clench. Despite knowing that there is a plan, the reminder of how precarious our situation is terrifies me. My vision blurs as hot tears spill over my lashes. My mind automatically wants to shut the conversation out, to focus on the tiny fibers of the blanket or the paleness of Bennet's cuticles against his tan skin. But I fight to stay attentive, to listen and absorb every word so I know how I can help.
Micah continues. “In this situation, it wouldn't be considered out of the ordinary for a family to discharge a patient into the care of home hospice so that they can die peacefully at home. For us, this gives us a chance to administer the plasma and hopefully see anywhere near as miraculous of a recovery as Jackson's leg.”
Luis nods as he considers the plan. “And what about Jackson?”
“I will sign out 'against medical advice' to go home and be with my family during this tragedy. I have an excellent physician back home that can see to my needs as I heal.” Jackson winks towards Dr. Franks.
Luis is still skeptical. “This…could work. Would we go back home?”
“And how would we get Bennet there safely?” I add to Luis' line of questions.
Lukas answers this time. “Barnaby Falls is probably our best bet. To our knowledge, Adley never knew about the B&B, and it's close to the hospital where Dr. Franks can best help us in the event something goes wrong. It seems the safest option for now. As for transport, we'll charter another med-flight. Tony already has it lined up for us. We just have to say the word.”
“Traveling that far in his condition is not likely to be advised, so you will have to assert your will to get things done quickly. Micah and I are of the opinion that we should administer the shot as soon as possible so that, assuming it works, some of his more serious internal injuries might have a chance to heal a little before transporting him.” Dr. Franks, bravely, I think, rounds out the plan.
Luis levels the doctor with a contemplative look. “And you're on board with this?”
“He came up with most of it,” Micah says.
Luis still doesn't look convinced, but he nods. “Alright, so when do we think we should pull the trigger on this?”
“Immediately,” Micah answers. “As long as we're all in agreement, we need to move as soon as possible.”
“How do we get started?” I ask.
Dr. Franks smiles at me kindly. “I will help with getting the attending physician on board to move things along. Luis will have to sign some paperwork, as will Jackson, and Lukas will let Tony know to schedule the flight for this evening. The moment things are in motion, Micah has the injection ready and will administer it to Bennet.”