Page 69 of Retribution
“Great,” says Dr. Franks. “I brought Dr. Fischer in to discuss your plans for heading home. I told her I am on board to help in any way I can, especially since I'll be headed back that way myself, but she rightfully has some concerns that I think you should hear.”
Dr. Franks nods to Jackson before stepping back to let Dr. Fischer talk with us. When she steps forward to discuss Jackson leaving against medical advice and the risks, he winks at me from behind her back.
Luis might be right that Dr. Franks would want to use what he's learned to help other people, but I trust he wouldn't put any of us in danger to do it. Honestly, I'm tempted by it too, but too afraid to end up trapped in a cell as a lab rat for the rest of my life. Not just because I already escaped that life, but mostly because that would mean leaving them behind.
If only there was a way to help without putting any of us at risk.
“All the paperwork is done and we are ready for our ride home whenever it can be arranged,” I tell Tony over the phone.
Luis signed what seemed like a hundred forms and spoke to both the medical staff and Dr. Kuodo extensively about our decision to take Bennet home. Everything is finally ready.
“The Medevac is scheduled to pick you up in four hours. Barring any major emergencies, they should be there right on time. There will be a private ambulance on standby, as well as a towncar, to transport you all home from the hospital.”
“I guess it would be too easy to just land at the house.”
“I tried, man. They weren't having it. It didn't matter how big a donation I offered, they will only drop off at a hospital.”
“Gonna be hard to avoid detection.”
“Don't bother. All they know is some rich guy is dying and being taken home. As long as they don't see who it is, they won't have any reason to speculate.”
Way to be sensitive, damn. “We'll keep him covered. Thanks, Tony.”
“Keep me updated.”
Tucking my phone back into my pocket, I walk back into the room where everyone is preparing for yet another hospital escape operation. I feel like Bennet will be impressed with this one and can't wait to tell him about it.
I'm bound and determined to will another miraculous overnight healing. True to my nature, I've also got an entire plan written out for how we'll care for him if he doesn't wake up. But unlike my usual nature, I'm feeling optimistic.
“We are a go for transport. The Medevac will be here in four hours.”
“Nice. That's quicker than I thought it would be,” says Jackson as he walks out of the bathroom. He snuck a shower after the hospital staff left, but he's still walking around in his hospital gown. It barely reaches to his knees and his butt is on full display.
Making eye contact with Micah, I roll my eyes. What are we going to do with this one?
We all surround Bennet's bedside. Each of us holds a hand or places their hand somewhere on his person, and I'm acutely reminded of doing the same thing around Six after we first met her. Sharing a knowing look between the other guys, I can tell I'm not the only one thinking about it.
Luis shrugs, his bandaged hand settling on Bennet's shoulder. “It worked last time.”
We watch as Micah administers the plasma, standing there in contemplative silence for a while afterwards. While we know the plasma can cause miracles, we don't know how much it can help Bennet. At the very least, we need it to help him survive the trip home.
Home. Part of me thought we'd never see the B&B again. We'd intended to go into hiding after getting Bennet out of the lab, but things went so wrong so fast that we had to improvise. Now that Adley is out of the picture, it'll hopefully be safe for us to go back. It's odd to think we'd only been there a week, but it's really the only home we've ever known as a family of six.
Jackson would make a pun here—“Family of Six.”
I hope Jackson isn't going to be upset about the little surprise I have in store for everyone. Since he hasn't been answering his phone, Mrs. Coolson called me. During our conversation earlier this morning, I let her know we were going back to the estate. The Coolsons, who had just landed in Alaska yesterday, booked an immediate flight home. I warned them that Bennet had been injured, but didn't give many specifics or tell them about Jackson's injury.
Hopefully, everyone is okay with my decision. I think it'll give everyone some comfort to have them there. Plus, very little makes Six happier than a good meal.
“Do you think it's working?” Six whispers, running her fingers through Bennet's hair now that the EEG cap is gone. They've unhooked him from everything non-essential, believing that we're taking him home for end-of-life care.
“My mind keeps conjuring cartoon-like images of the plasma cells flowing through his veins, lighting up the injuries and rapidly stitching them back together.” I don't have the most vivid imagination, but this feels so much like some kind of science-fiction plotline, and that's what they would show in a movie.
There's a knock on the door that makes us all jump. Jackson hauls ass across the room, sliding back into his hospital bed and tossing the blankets over his bare legs.
“It's okay. I locked the door.” I roll my eyes, chuckling at his ridiculousness as I open the door to let Levi in.