Page 82 of Retribution
There's a heartbeat.
Even recognizing the expression on Micah's face, clearly not positive, I can't help but feel my heart rate increase. Maybe there's some small chance?
My spine straightens, and I stand to approach the bed. I hold on to that tiny tendril of hope, but only long enough to see Micah shake his head. He's right, it would be kinder to all of us to not have hope.
Six says something about his body hanging on because he knows we aren't ready, and I find myself reaching out a hand and placing it on his ankle.
You fought hard, brother. It's okay. We'll make sure she's okay.
Six stays where she is, listening to the feeble beating of a heart that isn't truly pumping. It's a cruel joke, but she looks almost comforted by it. Maybe getting to listen to his heart stop beating feels like closure when it stopped so abruptly before.
Hours pass and Six hasn't eaten or drank anything, or even so much as gotten up to go to the bathroom since sometime yesterday. None of us is exactly sure how long it's been, but her lips are cracked and eyes sunken into her face. Her hair is matted from sweat and tears.
We'll take care of her, I project my thoughts towards Bennet as if he could hear me. Kneeling behind her on the bed, I swipe some strands of hair from her forehead.
“Come on, Sunshine. Let's get you cleaned up. He's not going anywhere, I promise. No one will move him.” Cradling her against my body, I lift her up and walk back to the bathroom.
She is dazed and unresponsive, so I remove her clothes and literally set her down on the toilet to pee while I turn the shower on and remove my own clothes. I carry her beneath the spray of the waterfall shower and hold her there, letting the water pour over us, humming a song.
I sing the words to one of my favorite songs, Bridge Over Troubled Water. It's a song that I sung to my mother countless times, and one that I even sing to myself when I'm feeling the most in need of comfort.
At some point she finally looks up and makes eye contact with me, her sad, sunken eyes making her light grey irises even more distinct. Kissing her forehead, I set her on her feet and reach for the shampoo.
Six lets me lather and rinse her hair and body, and by the time I am working conditioner into her matted hair, she is more responsive. She takes over and finger combs the knots from her hair while I wash myself, still softly singing the ending lyrics. As I stare into her steely grey eyes, the reference to “silver girl” stands out the most.
Washed and refreshed, we wrap ourselves in fluffy white towels and just hold each other for a while. When she's ready, I take her hand and lead her back into the bedroom.
The other guys have cleaned up the room and opened the windows to let in the late evening breeze. Six keeps her eyes mostly trained on Bennet, but she gets dressed and allows us to sit her down at the small table.
She can't quite force herself to eat, but she drinks a full glass of water and a protein shake, and that's good enough for us. Pulling back clean sheets that the guys somehow managed to change with Bennet there, I help her climb into the bed and settle next to her. Luis lies on the couch, and Micah and Lukas pull the trundle from beneath the bed.
It isn't until the lights are off and we're all lying there in silence before I realize what a familiar scene this is. Tears leak from my eyes. A small hand folds itself into mine.
Considering that I didn't sleep at all the night before, and all the activity and emotion of the last two days, I'm surprised I stay awake as long as I do. I have no idea if anyone else sleeps, but it isn't until well after it's completely dark before I drift off.
Something wakes me, but I'm not sure what it is or how long I've been asleep. My eyes fight to stay open, the fog in my brain pulling me down to sleep again when I hear a rustling.
Sitting up, I look all around me. Six is breathing deeply, asleep on her side with her back to me. Micah and Lukas are asleep on the mattress below me, wrapped in each other's arms. My mouth twitches a little, thinking about the night before. I haven't had much time to process all of that, given my mood and then everything that happened after, but thinking about it makes me smile before I remember myself.
Luis is passed out on the couch, one leg on the ground as if ready to jump up at any moment. Then again, I'm sure he is primed for action after the last few days. We were all on edge even before Bennet died.
Bennet is sitting up.
Bennet is fucking sitting up.
Not sure if I'm seeing things, I drop my leg off the side of the bed and kick Micah. My foot bounces off the side of his perfect ass. Never taking my eyes off Bennet, I kick him harder.
“What the fu—Jackson? Are you okay?” Micah whispers loudly.
“Nope. I might be hallucinating.”
Pointing, I direct Micah's gaze to the man sitting on the other side of Six's sleeping form. My brother, who is supposed to be dead.
“Is this another disturbing electrical impulse that sometimes happens after cardiac arrest?”