Page 13 of Professor Obsessed
“So, how was your weekend? I feel like I barely talked to you at all after you canceled,” Anna asked casually as she browsed through her emails.
“I didn’t cancel, you did silly,” I told her, pulling up my own, willing back the bile that threatened my throat as I saw the amount of emails I’d received over the weekend, “it was amazing though, you’ll never believe what happened.”
“Wait,” she stopped me just as I was about to fill her in, “Sorry, you said I canceled?”
“Yeah, you never showed up to the Point,” I told her.
She pulled her phone scrolling rapidly on it, turning the screen to show me our messages, “You told me you were sick.”
The message was there, clear as day. But I didn’t remember sending that. Could I have done it while I was sleeping? I shook my head, “I didn’t send you that.”
“Okay,” she dragged the word out, “then who did?”
I guess it could’ve been me, I did sleep with my phone in the bed with me, maybe I was having a vivid dream, “I really don’t know. But honestly there's so many more important things I wanted to tell you.”
Anna put her phone back in her bag as I filled her in from meeting Chase at Point State Park to how we spent Saturday and Sunday night. I left out the hookup in his office as badly as I wanted to tell her, I wanted that fantasy to be just for me. Her eyes widened as I gave her each detail.
“It was the best weekend I’ve ever had. It felt like something out of a romcom,” I marveled, “he was so sweet. And kind. I never felt this way with Nate. I feel wanted for once, even though I’m average, he still desires just me.”
Anna nodded a little too enthusiastically with her lips pressed tightly together in a pained smile, “Oh no, what is it?”
“Nothing,” she looked back to her laptop, “now that I look at you, you do look a bit bruised up.” Her eyes flicked to my neck then back to my eyes, “the crew neck shirt and makeup hide it a bit, but up close…” she trailed off.
I brushed off her concern, “He is just a very passionate lover, I assure you everything was consensual.”
“Alright,” she muttered. I was confused by this reaction, I never expected it. For the first time in my life I was the one that was experiencing romance with an amazing man. Why couldn't she just be happy for me?
We spent the rest of the morning working in awkward silence. I could feel Anna’s eyes glancing over at me ever so often, annoying me. It was just before lunch time when I decided enough was enough.
“I really thought you’d be happy for me,” I blurted out, “I don’t really have a family. Or friends. I’m always getting looked over, unlike you.” I whisper yelled, wanting to avoid the entire office hearing us.
Her brow furrowed in annoyance, “I am happy for you, it's just,” she considered her words, “you barely know him. None of the faculty or staff know him. And it seems like this all moved really fast. I find it odd that there are messages on my phone from you but none on your phone. I just want you to be careful. There are dangerous people in this world.”
I understood her point, but Chase wasn’t dangerous. “I get that, and I don’t know how to explain the phone thing but you’re not being a supportive friend.” I was tired of celebrating with other people but no one wanted to celebrate with me.
She stood at the same time as me, “Where’d you wanna go for lunch today?” she asked.
“Actually, I have other plans,” I stormed off before she had a chance to say anything. The hurt look on her face made me feel guilty, but I pushed those feelings down as I made my way up to Dr. Lowe’s office.
The first few days of the week went by without a hitch. Monday, Emma came to her senses and spent her lunch with me. I took her home after work every evening, had dinners with her, and left my mark on her each night. Thursday morning lulled by. My early classes passed in a blur, I went through the motions teaching and grading assignments before the headache started to settle in.
It was about time for lunch. I headed down the elevator to Emma’s office space, making my way to the back cubicles where her and Anna worked. I stopped short when I noticed there was another professor in Emma’s cubicle. One of the other calculus professors, around my age, angrily spat his words at my Emma.
“It’s unacceptable,” he berated her. I could see Emma frantically typing on her laptop, her face riddled with concern. Her cheeks and chest turned red with embarrassment, “You need to figure this out. I know damn well I had more left in my budget. You work for us and I'm telling you now, figure it out or I'm going to the director.”
Emma shook her head, her hazel eyes glossy with tears as she scrolled through spreadsheets, “I assure you, the budget is correct. You exhausted your funds. You can petition for another grant,” she was saying to him, her words coming out flustered.
Anna finally stopped being useless and chimed in, “Dr. Murdock, I have a list of all your recent procurements here.” She motioned towards her computer, pulling up another excel sheet. Dr. Murdock flushed with anger.
“I refuse to stand here and be mocked by two incompetent staff members,” he shoved a finger in Emma’s face as he continued his spiel.
I had enough. I didn’t give two shits how he talked to Anna, but my Emma was not going to be subject to this.
“Excuse me, am I interrupting something?” I stepped out into the open, moving myself between Emma and professor Murdock, “there seems to be some type of misunderstanding.” I lowered my voice to a growl as Murdock got in my face.