Page 27 of Royally Promoted
Even in the darkness, he could make out the quiver of her body, which only drew his attention to the swell of her lush breasts against the tee-shirt and the smooth length of shapely legs on show. His libido kicked into gear with painful force. He knew that, if he made the mistake of glancing down at himself, he would see the bulge of his erection distorting the light jersey of his joggers.
‘What the hell are you doing out here?’ His voice was uneven, sharp, a deflection from what was tearing through his body.
‘I didn’t realise I had to ask permission to come outside for ten minutes!’
‘Got any idea of the time?’
‘No! But I can check my phone and tell you!’
‘’s after one in the morning.’
‘I couldn’t sleep, Malik—and don’t even try to tell me that it’s dangerous for me to be out here. I haven’t suddenly decided to go walking at midnight in a park in London.’
They stepped towards one another at the same time.
‘How did you even know that I was out here?’
‘Intruder alarm on my phone.’ His erection was so painful he wanted to push it down or else do something else with it. His nostrils flared and he felt heat flare through his roused body. ‘I’m alerted if anyone tries to break in...or, in your case, leave. I...’ He shook his head, raked his fingers through his hair and shuffled. ‘If a door or window is tampered with...opened... Hence I came down to find out what was going on.’
‘Dressed like that?’ Lucy wished she hadn’t mentioned his state of undress because now she was riveted at the sight of his body, the hardness of his chest and the ripple of sinew and muscle in his arms. Her mouth went dry as she stared at the way the light joggers dipped low on his lean hips down to...down to...
Her heart stopped beating and her thoughts dissolved into frantic meltdown.
Was she mistaken? Surely Malik wasn’t...turned on?
An electric charge roared through her and her body reacted with speed, her breasts swelling and liquid pooling hotly between her legs.
Her eyes flew back to his face but her voice was croaky when she said, ‘Well, I’m safe and sound.’
‘Why couldn’t you sleep?’
‘You know why.’ She forced herself back in control, told herself that her eyes had been deceiving her. Obviously.
Breathe deep, count to ten and everything will be just fine.
‘What I said earlier about... Jesus, tell me that’s not still preying on your mind, Lucy.’
‘I can’t help it, Malik. It was so hurtful. How could you lecture me about not engaging with your family? About making sure I don’t go getting any wrong ideas just because you’ve had no choice but to introduce me to them...her...your mum...? At least it wasn’t a double whammy, with me meeting your dad as well and really upsetting the privacy apple cart!’
Lucy felt tears sting the back of her eyes. She wished she hadn’t leapt out of the chair because now her legs felt like jelly. She’d said too much, put too much emotion on display. There was a difference between being talkative, challenging and good-natured with Malik and laying into him for something that wasn’t his fault just because he’d upset her. But, with her thoughts all over the place, there was no room in her head for common sense.
‘I apologised, didn’t I? I’m sorry if I offended you.’
‘You should know me better. You should know that I’m not the sort of person who would read anything... You should know...should just know...’ She turned away but the tears were stinging the back of her eyes.
‘You’re right,’ Malik muttered gruffly. ‘I should. Lucy, it was just an instinctive reaction.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘’s just the way I am. With women...’ He shook his head and raked his fingers through his hair, uncomfortable, edgy, yet urgent in his need to wipe her hurt away. ‘I’m always upfront with them...and yet many times they read meaning behind something when there’s none. It can lead to complications and I’ve never courted a complicated life.’
‘That’s different,’ Lucy muttered. ‘Those women—I’m not them.’
‘Yes, it is different, and I’m sorry. I... I’ve missed you,’ he said in a roughened undertone. ‘Missed your laughter and your chat.’ He moved towards her and brushed the tear from the corner of her eye with his thumb, then he left his hand there, cupping the side of her face.
Her skin was soft and smooth, and her rounded face was exquisitely feminine.
He traced her parted mouth with his finger and her eyes widened. Malik could feel the excited thrum of her body as she stepped towards him and, when he lowered his head to cover her mouth with his, she melted into the kiss, hands curving to the back of his head, tiptoeing to reach up to him.