Page 9 of Doctor Daddy Dilemma
“Doc, I might just want to work on these under-eye circles.” Myra touched her eyes and it spurred a flurry of comments.
“Oh God, yes, honey.” Tina Day touched her own under-eye bags and then rolled her eyes. “We age and we all get them, but Dr. Hartman is the king of keeping us young. What would you change about yourself?”
The conversation shifted to Jules who shrugged a shoulder and offered a smug look. “I’m pretty happy with myself now.” Men weren’t the bulk of my workload, since they often didn’t care as much about their appearance, but Jules had come in for a tummy tuck after losing a bit of weight. “What would you change about yourself, Tina?”
“I think I want this flabby neck skin gone. Doc, help me out.” The group laughed at Tina’s response and Myra pointed at Charlie, who had that deer-in-the-headlights expression as Myra asked, “What would you change about yourself?”
Charlie sputtered for an answer and all I could think about was her bare chest under my touch when I thought she’d be getting a breast reduction. She squirmed so long they turned to me.
“Well, Doc. What would you change about Charlie?” Myra was on the prowl tonight, looking for some drama to be stirred up, but she wouldn’t get it. Well, maybe not the sort she hoped for anyway.
When I looked at Charlie all I saw was perfection. So that was my answer. “Honestly, Ms. Martinez is a work of art. Her curves, her dimples, the way she carries herself. Perfection. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
A hoot and a howl rose up from the group and blood rose to Charlie’s cheeks. She did that a lot, and it was very attractive.
“Uh, excuse me,” she mumbled, “I have to use the facilities.” And then she was gone, pushing past the others to move toward the cabins. I hadn’t told her where anything was yet. We’d spent the entire evening out here on the deck, and I knew she’d get lost.
But I stood there watching her walk away for a second, checking out her backside, until Jules gave me a playful shove.
“Go get her, Doc. She’s embarrassed.” He chuckled and the group went on with their conversation. So I followed her, stopping to snag another drink on my way past the bar. This one I downed as quickly as Charlie had drunk her first drink, then I moved toward the open door where she’d vanished—one of the yacht’s bedrooms. I closed the door on my way through. The light was off, but the running lights around the room left just enough light to navigate. I could see by the glow coming from beneath the bathroom door and the shadows she was casting within it that she’d found the toilet, so I sat on the edge of the bed and waited.
When the door finally opened, Charlie stood in shock, staring at me. She looked just as flustered as when I had complimented her and I felt my body stirring, wanting to be close to her, wanting to be more than just close to her.
“Are you okay?”
She looked down at her purse and shrugged, then looked back up at my face in the dim light. “Why did you say that?” she asked, but she didn’t move toward me. This little game we were playing was agonizingly slow. I wanted her; it was obvious to me she wanted me too. Why else would she have listened to me and worn something so sexy?
“Because I meant it.”
Charlie’s eyes dropped to my slacks and she nervously looked away. There was no hiding the rock in my pants. Seeing her in that dress made it happen, and I’d been fighting it all evening so far.
“Dr. Hartman, I…”
“Lex, remember? And think about it.” I stood and walked toward her slowly. I wanted to put her at ease. If she wasn’t into this, I’d drop it and walk away. But something told me she really was into this. “Those people have fake beauty I gave them. My hands, my knife, my skills. You have something they don’t have, Charlie.”
She looked up at me with intrigue, finally not seeming nervous anymore. Now, the way she licked her bottom lip didn’t appear to be embarrassment or fear. It seemed to me like she was as turned on as I was. Her eyes glanced down to the growing bulge in my pants and then back up to my face.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Natural raw beauty, and the ability to do things to my body that not a single patient in my practice has ever done. And I’ve seen them all naked.” I stood so close to her that if I flexed my muscles my dick would rub against her thigh. Her chest brushed across my suit coat and my body ached to feel her skin on mine.
A fleeting smile crossed her face, but she took a deep breath and blew it out, erasing any trace of it. “I don’t know what to say.”
“I’m just speaking the truth.” I reached up and pushed the few stray strands of hair out of her eyes. “You don’t have to say a thing.”
Slowly but deliberately, I leaned in, keeping my eyes open and fixed on hers. If she gave even the slightest hint she wasn’t into this, I’d back away, but she didn’t. And my lips brushed over hers in an explosion of sensations that made my heart leap up into my throat. The kiss was light at first, so hesitant I felt like I almost imagined it, until I slid my tongue across her skin, and it unleashed a beast.
Charlie’s hands gripped my coat, and I heard a thump on the floor as her purse dropped. A ravenous vixen, she clawed at my chest and nipped at my lip, and I backed her right up to the wall, pinning her there with my body. My dick ground against her thigh and she moaned and whimpered.
“Is this going to skew your article? Paint me as a predator or a bad boy? Make you think less of me?” I asked her, growling between kisses as I groped her body. Her tits were just as perfect tonight as the first time I touched them; I just wanted that skin in my palms.
“Only if you make me horny and don’t satisfy me. Then I’ll have to go home and masturbate while thinking of you again.” She was eager and hungry, now rubbing her body against mine and whining for more.
“Does that mean you’ve already masturbated while thinking of me, Charlie?” I had one hand on her right breast, and the other on her left butt cheek and she leaned into them both.
“Yes…” she whimpered, but it sounded like a plea for release.
“Me too,” I grunted, now 100 percent certain she wanted this as badly as me—maybe worse.