Page 4 of Finding Emotion
Skylar lifted an eyebrow. She wondered if some girl had mailed her dirty panties to the prude or something.
Damon maintained his smile, but it appeared strained at the edges. He leaned forward, looking toward the camera. “I would like to address something.”
His manager tensed at the rock star’s words.
“I actually receive a lot of gifts from my fans, and while I appreciate the gesture, I ask that you stop.” His aquamarine eyes had an intentness to them as he stared straight into the camera. There was a narrowing to them that made Skylar’s insides clench.
Then he ruined it by adding that boyish grin he liked to flash. “I’d much rather gift you with my music. Your enjoyment of the songs I create is all the gift I need.”
Some fans in the audience screamed out their love, and Skylar rolled her eyes. Her interest in Damon waned at the saccharine gesture. What a poser. That was totally not what he wanted to say, not from what those clenched hands were saying.
“What’s the most unique gift you’ve received?” the host asked.
Damon shook his head with a laugh, but his neck had tensed again. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to call out a particular fan.”
“What about the gift at the beginning of the tour? The one that police confiscated for their investigation?” The host’s smile remained, but there was a hard edge to it as she gripped her notes. “We received confirmation that the police were called to the hotel you were staying at. Your fans are worried, Damon. Are you certain you wouldn’t like to recant your prior denial of a stalker?”
The host looked just like Sorcha in that moment. Like she owned the world, even while she was burning someone else’s down. Skylar’s eyes narrowed.
Damon shifted in his seat, his face going blank.
Skylar’s boots had clomped forward before her mind caught up.
“Oh, lord,” Mandy muttered, but she subdued the show’s producer who tried to stop Skylar’s progress.
The host’s eyes widened, just as every mean girl’s had when Skylar hadn’t backed down.
Damon’s jewellike ones flashed when Skylar moved to him and climbed straight onto his lap. His startled hands went to her hips, likely to push her away, but her mouth had already latched onto his.
Skylar gave all she had to the hungry kiss, thrusting her tongue deep even as her hands mussed up his surprisingly soft hair. She wanted to laugh at the stiffened shock her move had placed him in. He really was a prude, though not an unaffected one based on the hardness she cradled between her legs. He didn’t kiss her back, and she bit his lip for it, then was rewarded with a bit of heat in his eyes when she lifted her head. Her bright-red lipstick had transferred to his mouth, and she wiped at it even as she laughed.
“Damon, sweet face, stop covering for me.” Skylar wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling his face into her cleavage even as she grinned sideways at the host and the camera behind her. “You see, I got so loud that night that the guests filed a noise complaint. I couldn’t help it. Damon might be as loving as all his songs claim, but he’s also an absolute tiger in the sack.”
His fans in the audience gasped, making Skylar’s lap-it-up smile easier to maintain when the host glared.
Chapter 3
Damon could still feel the heat of Skylar’s tongue, and his lips tingled from that nip she’d given him when she sauntered into his interview. Not only that, but she’d smelled like some kind of flower, which was not what he had expected at all. He paused in front of his manager after the show had wrapped, a bit shell-shocked at what the hell had just happened.
Jimmy didn’t look much better; his eyes had narrowed and a scowl had taken over his face. Damon’s manager rarely looked angry, but the cleanup from this fiasco was going to be one hell of a mess. “What the fuck?” Jimmy muttered, low enough that the nearby crew likely didn’t hear it.
Skylar did from where she still clung to Damon’s arm. She finally dropped it, running hands covered in rings through her hair and bumping them into more metal from the multiple piercings in her ears. “Look,” she began.
Damon grabbed one of her hands, linking their fingers as he smiled up at her despite not feeling it. “Not here,” he murmured, tugging her forward. He didn’t trust that the room for the interview guests wasn’t bugged, so he pulled her into the stairwell instead. Both of their managers followed. Only when the click of the door closing echoed around them did he drop her hand.
He took a breath, for once completely unsure of how to handle the situation. “Why did you do that?”
Skylar cocked a hip covered in skintight leather, the hand that she perched on it making her breasts in their torn-up, black top stick out. “Don’t you mean, ‘Thanks for saving my ass’?”
When Damon had been pressed against her cleavage, that was where the flower scent had come from. Damon shook his head; what a pointless thing to remember. “I should thank you for blowing up both of our careers?” There was no way her punk rock image would be helped by linking her name with a softer rock singer like him.
Her manager cleared her throat almost delicately. “‘Up’ is the right word.” She turned her phone around to face them. “Social media is already reposting the kiss from the live interview, and it’s gone viral.”
Damon didn’t have to wonder how the hell he’d looked when she’d kissed him. It was right in front of him, playing on loop. Despite being too shocked to kiss her back, his eyes were locked on hers and didn’t appear wide-eyed at all. He blushed as he remembered how quickly his erection had risen.
“Shit, you really are a schoolboy.” Skylar snorted as she poked his heated cheek. “Fucking me will be good for your reputation.”
He wasn’t unaffected by the idea, and was glad that his jacket hung down far enough to cover his instant response to it. Someone like Skylar would sweep him up like a hurricane, and he wouldn’t have time to overanalyze his possible poor performance. “But we’re not having sex. I don’t like lying to my fans.”