Page 51 of Finding Emotion
“Left at the front desk. I was tempted to chuck it, but…” Jimmy shrugged as he held out the box.
Damon had made it clear that he preferred to know about the gifts the one time his manager had attempted to save him from one. He took the box, frustration filling him. “Don’t tell me this hotel doesn’t have cameras.”
“A delivery service again. I’ve got the feelers out, but you know how it goes.” Jimmy shrugged.
“From that stalker?” Skylar asked. She wiped her hands on a napkin before holding one out. “Give it here.”
Damon wasn’t fast enough to prevent her from taking it. His hands had gone numb.
Skylar flipped the gift tag. “‘My Match,’” she read with a snort. “Blech, so cutesy.” She ripped into the gift wrap, letting the ribbon and paper fall to the floor. The small crystal she lifted out appeared even more delicate held between her fingers. “What, a castle? Is she saying you’re her prince or some shit?” Skylar snorted as she turned the tiny replica toward the light. “How cheesy.”
Damon’s next breath felt less tight. “The Crystal Villa. That’s what the venue we practiced at is called.”
“Was that the name?” Skylar shrugged as her hand shifted with the crystal clutched in her fist. “So, do I shatter this thing or do I get to keep it?”
“You want to keep it?” Damon asked, blinking at her.
“Well, sure.” Skylar’s grip loosened so she could study the crystal again. “Not my style, but maybe dangling between my breasts or something. Mandy can be crafty.”
Damon’s eyes shifted to the new crop top she was wearing. It showed more cleavage than what she normally wore did, which was typically black and showed off her midriff instead of the creamy slope of her breasts. “You’re going to wear it?”
“Front and center for my response videos. I bet that’ll make the fan think twice about sending you stupid shit.” Skylar laughed as she hopped up from the stool. “You got anything else?”
“No.” Damon got rid of everything after the cops hadn’t bothered taking it. He remembered the last gift from his crazed fan had already mentioned Skylar. “Hey, I’m not sure—”
She turned back, her lips pressing against his. Her smile as she pulled away made his chest ache. “Thanks for breakfast,” she said.
The elevator dinged, and her manager stepped out.
“Hey, wait,” he called when Skylar turned away, careful not to grab her to hold her back. She glanced at him, eyebrow lifted. “Can I have your number?”
“Oh, sure. But it’s new, so I don’t know it.” Skylar dug her phone out of her pocket. Her shoulders tensed as her eyes caught the screen, and her lips pressed together before she tapped at it. “Give me yours, and I’ll give it a one-ring.”
Damon rattled it off. He was struck by how quickly she put her phone away after, and he worried she was getting shit on again.
“Later,” she called back, snagging her manager’s arm as she passed. He remembered the crystal when she shoved it into Mandy’s hands, and he heard her say something about a necklace before the doors slid shut.
“You sure that was okay?” Jimmy asked as he took over Skylar’s seat next to Damon. “I bet it pisses off your stalker if she wears the crystal.”
Damon was worried as well. “Finally calling the person a stalker?” he asked.
“Shit, Dame, I’m sorry.” Jimmy sighed. “I know it bugs you. Makes me feel helpless, not being able to fix it.” He nudged the plate in front of him. “What’s all this? Need some sustenance after trying to keep up with her all night?”
“Don’t talk about Skylar that way.” Damon saw no point in correcting his manager’s assumptions over their activities. Talking about how he held her would be more of a betrayal.
“Hell, that chick last night said worse.” Jimmy slapped his back. “You lucky dog. Skylar must really have stamina if six guys can’t satisfy her.”
“Six guys?” Damon’s hand clenched against his thigh.
“Well, that’s what the chick said. Some orgy or something. She made it sound like it was constant. Was busting your balls a bit and doubting hard on the whole relationship thing between you two. It just made her look stupid. Our media team isn’t worried.” Jimmy reached for his phone. “Oh, you want to watch the interview?”
“No, I’m good.” Damon waved him off. He’d promised Skylar. He wished he hadn’t heard about the six guys. The way Skylar had looked the night before had worried him. Frustration simmered as his suspicions grew. Malcolm was the brawler, but Damon had the urge to hit something.
Jimmy tucked his phone away. “I’m looking forward to watching Skylar’s response videos, though. I bet she says some crazy shit.”
She’d said she would handle it. Damon’s hand ached where it continued to clench. “Are people saying the same stuff as the other day?”
“This is all career juice, Dame.” Jimmy slapped him on the back. “Skylar’s got an image. You try to white-knight again so soon, and you’ll ruin it.”