Page 56 of Finding Emotion
Erin slumped into a dining chair and propped her head on her hand as she studied him. “Checking in, huh? I caught one of her videos. She made you look good.”
“She did?” Damon’s fingers itched as he pulled out his own chair.
“Well, there was still a lot of attitude, which fits, but she smiled when she talked about you, Dame.” Erin poked at his cheek, and he pulled away.
“Smiled?” His heart thumped. “Don’t you mean smirked?” If he’d sent that picture Erin had taken, that would have been her reaction. He could picture that same expression on her face when she’d sent him the eggplant text.
“Nah, Dame, a sweet, loving smile. The fans are going apeshit over it. Hers especially.” Erin grabbed for the six-pack of beers, handing him one before twisting the top off of her own. “Something about her never looking like that when she was with that prior douchebag. What was his name? He was in that band with her.” Erin frowned, but shrugged and tipped back her beer. “I mean, he and her best friend got married while she was still in rehab. The one that was in that interview last night.”
Damon sipped at his own beer, finding it not to his taste. “I didn’t realize you followed the gossip that closely.”
Erin laughed. “I’ve got your name as a Google Alert, and the videos popped up. As for the Skylar stuff, I looked it up.” Her eyes slid to Damon. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that face you’ve been making.”
Damon flushed. “There’s no face.”
Nicholas Bryant took that opportunity to join them, but it wasn’t much of a saving grace as Erin pointed at Damon with a laugh. “That one right there! Back me up, Nick. Doesn’t Dame have a look?”
“I know better than to answer that. It’s good to see you again, Damon.” Nicholas shook his hand before leaning down and kissing his wife. The kiss lingered longer than just a peck before her husband moved to his own chair.
Erin’s face was flushed. “Oh.”
Damon felt embarrassed to see that expression on his sister’s face. He couldn’t quite picture Skylar ever looking like that. He wondered if his promise to her about not watching the interview extended to today’s recordings.
They dug into the food and drank the beer. His sister surprised him by bringing up Skylar again. “I always liked her songs, but you know me, I’m not much of a music buff. I remembered following her rehab, though, when she brought it up the other night. I gave you a hard time around then.”
Damon reached for his beer, regretting it when the flavor hit his mouth again. He coughed. “You didn’t have to worry. I’m not one that will ever turn to drugs.” He’d seen the damage they could do, even the medical kind that were supposed to help.
“Well, right after Skylar’s rehab, she came out with that ‘Cravings’ song and was pushed to make the video romantic. It so isn’t.” Erin emptied her beer, wiping her mouth with her hand. “I still listen to that one while I run. I remember being pumped back when she did the video she wanted, which focused on the rehab and not some stupid guy.”
“Mrs. Bryant is always a romantic,” Nicholas said, leaning back in his chair to smile at her.
Erin laughed. “Hey, the honeymoon was pretty damn romantic. I mean, we stayed in a castle and everything.”
Nicholas closed his eyes. “I still cannot believe you involved Kirpatrick.”
“Come on, Larry Boy is kind of your partner now. He’s not all bad, and he had connections.” Erin shrugged. “I ran it by Katie first, but she’s so far gone about her own perfect life that she’s over everything that happened. People make mistakes.” Erin leaned toward Damon. “I mean, the way Skylar responded after her rehab when she was asked about her best friend moving in on her ex made her seem like the bigger person too. No one’s said shit about it since then, so that bitch’s interview last night must have surprised Skylar. How’s she holding up, really?”
Damon remembered how Skylar had looked staring out the windows the night before. Almost fragile. “She’s hard to get a read on.”
“In the interview—”
“Let’s not talk about it.” Damon fiddled with his fork as his sister frowned at him. “I actually haven’t watched it.”
Erin blinked at him. “The bitch mentions you, too, Dame.”
“Skylar said she’ll handle it. I trust her.” His heart sped up at the admission.
“You, Dame?” Erin put her empty bottle down with a smack. “Trust a woman? Shit, how long has it been since that other bitch, What’s-Her-Name, screwed you over?”
Damon’s hands fiddled with the label on his own bottle. “I didn’t talk about her with you.”
“I came to your concert that one time, remember? Nearly knocked the bitch out.” She frowned. “What was her name? I hated her for messing with my little brother.”
The label ripped. “For God’s sake, I’m a year older, Erin.”
“Whatever. You’re shorter and sweeter.” She scowled. “Damn, that’s going to bug me. When I came home and vented to Katie, I called her Ms. Sneers-A-Lot. The bitch ragged on you the whole time. The way Skylar acts, I was worried—”
“Skylar’s nothing like Karyn.” The name made his lips twist.