Page 69 of Finding Emotion
“They also heard all about what she wanted to do with me in the limo.” Nicholas flushed.
“That’s my sister.” Damon poured himself another glass. “You always know what she’s thinking since she just says it.”
“Only sometimes her thoughts are completely unexpected.” Nicholas smiled down into his own empty glass. “My Mrs. Bryant is truly a treasure. I enjoy every moment with her.”
Damon laughed. “You really are in love with my sister.” The sappy smile gave it all away. He wondered if he wore the same one around Skylar already, and if he did, whether she would recognize it.
Chapter 26
Skylar stared up at the stage where some poor creature was mangling one of Damon’s songs. “You’ve gotta be shitting me. Karaoke?”
Erin grabbed her arm. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” Damon’s sister dragged her deeper into the crowded club, with the others following.
It was the third club they’d been to; apparently karaoke was popular as it was also the most crowded. Skylar pulled Damon’s ball cap down farther on her forehead. She’d stolen it and paired it with one of her most casual outfits, though it was still black, in an attempt to draw less attention to herself.
The four other women ordered a round of shots, even Celia, the quiet one. Erin also placed an order for sparkling water for Skylar. She didn’t seem to be an afterthought like she’d expected, and watching them get sillier with each drink that night had been fun. Skylar had been a little nervous remembering her vague craving the day before, but it was clearer now that it’d been more about the company she was with.
“Oh shit, I forgot to show you something! Dame will flip if he finds out I sent it to myself.” Erin squinted down at her phone, tapping at it before squealing and turning the screen to face Skylar.
Damon’s blushing face filled the screen. Skylar’s chest did the whole squeeze thing it’d been doing since the night before.
“I took it yesterday when you sent him that text. You got him good! He was so embarrassed.” Erin giggled a little evilly.
“Let me see,” Katie said, grabbing the phone. She laughed. “What did you text him?”
It felt like a lifetime ago, not just a day. She couldn’t even remember. “Something naughty.”
Erin grabbed her phone back. “My brother’s always been more of a dweeb than a rock star. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now.”
Skylar frowned. “I think he’s perfect.” When the other women stared at her, she realized what she’d said. “Fuck, I mean—” She blew out a breath, tugging on his hat again. “Well, yeah.”
“I knew it!” Erin shouted. “Dame looked way too happy yesterday when I mentioned that video. You two are together now, like for real, aren’t you?”
It was sweet, how happy his sister looked. “We’re trying it out,” Skylar admitted. The reminder earlier about the pending breakup had made her think too much. She didn’t want to break up.
“That’s nice,” Jami said with a smile. “You haven’t dated anyone since Jack.”
“Jack! That was his name.” Erin waved toward the server for another round. “I couldn’t think of it when I was talking to Dame yesterday.”
Skylar’s sip of bubbles roiled in her stomach. “You mentioned Jack to Damon?” It was fine, she told herself. All the information was out there anyway, especially after Sorcha’s interview. She still couldn’t quite believe she’d asked him not to watch that.
Jami grabbed her arm. “Come on! I want to sing with you.” Her sister looked more than a little toasted.
“You don’t like the spotlight,” Skylar reminded her. And there was no way the crowd wouldn’t recognize her if she sang.
“Too late, I already put us in.” Jami tugged.
Skylar couldn’t say no again. She’d missed this side of Jami, the one that read whatever she liked in public and did what she wanted. She still chose goody-two-shoes types of things, but she’d always been a little spontaneous. “Fine. What song did you choose?”
One from when they were teenagers, of course. Skylar laughed as she sang, acting like it was just for her sister. Their relationship still wasn’t what it used to be, but that was on her. She’d become really bad about leaning on anyone. It was difficult to be close to someone if they didn’t know about your life.
The thought made some of her chest squeezing fade a little. She’d avoided telling Damon anything personal as well.
The sounds of the crowd afterward nearly blew the roof off. Skylar tried to protect Jami as they headed toward the back exit the other girls had found and climbed into the limo.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” she apologized to them. “That was stupid.”
Erin laughed. “You mean it was epic! No one’s mad, chick. It shows how awesome you are.”