Page 81 of Finding Emotion
She’d orgasmed so many times already that her body was shaking. Yes, out of excitement, but also with the pending crash he’d wanted to give her. The taste of her made his balls tighten, and he was a little lightheaded. He closed his lips around the most sensitive part of her and sucked, sending her over the edge screaming.
He held her close as he continued his ministrations through the orgasm, loving every gasp and shudder and pulse. By the time he pulled away, she leaned her upper body against the headboard in a daze. His breath against her was almost too much for her, and he shifted out to help ease her under the covers.
He didn’t ask whether he could hold her. She’d already burrowed into his arms.
She yawned against his chest. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve actually taken someone to bed.”
He hugged her, so thankful to have the one he loved close that he wasn’t sure he would sleep at all.
Chapter 29
Damon hadn’t thought he would really sleep. He woke feeling disoriented but happy. The room was still bright. Skylar had fallen asleep quickly, and he had been trying to convince himself to release her long enough to turn out all the lights when sleep claimed him as well.
He studied Skylar’s face, but there was no restlessness there that would have woken him. The worry that had started to grip him eased. Nothing they’d done together seemed to have caused a nightmare to find her.
He dropped a quick kiss to her forehead before slipping out of bed. He still wore his dress pants and planned to keep them on. As much as he loved Skylar’s grabby hands, he didn’t want her to use them before he told her he loved her again.
She’d literally turned on every light. He moved through the room, switching each one off. Only the light filtering in from the living room remained. He padded to the door when the ding of the elevator reached him. Fear raced through him. Who the hell would come to the suite in the middle of the night?
The fear shifted into frustration as he recognized Jimmy. His manager had always had a certain type of walk, like he owned the place, no matter where they were. Damon had been impressed by it since Jimmy’s personality was the opposite, insecure just like Damon’s was. Jimmy compensated with dapper outfits and a sense of humor, often at Damon’s expense.
Damon was only realizing now how often it had bothered him over the years.
“Something couldn’t wait until morning?” he asked, keeping his voice low as he moved into the living room, pulling Skylar’s bedroom door closed behind him.
Jimmy jumped, his hand moving to his chest. “Jesus, Dame!” He let out a laugh that was a little too loud and lifted the bottle in his other hand. “Thought you could use a drink after getting dumped. Unless…” His eyes moved to the closed bedroom door. “Shit, man, you took her up on the last pity fuck? I thought you’d have more class than that.”
Damon folded his arms as he sat on the arm of the couch. “Caught the video finally? That was hours ago.”
“Avoided my phone for a while.” Jimmy shrugged. “I mean, all that shit today, and her acting like I can’t joke around with you.”
“Were you really joking?” Damon asked.
“God, you’ve always been so sensitive. You’d think you’d get over that after all you accomplished.” But the man he’d thought was his friend didn’t smile at him or move over to pat him on the back or appear happy for him at all. No, he scowled down at the bottle in his hand, a bitterness there that Damon was finally able to see. “It just proves how little you fit this lifestyle.”
Damon’s arms felt a little numb. “Must have been hard for you. Backing a dweeb like me all this time.”
“Hey, you’re the one that said it.” Jimmy’s head lifted. “I still can’t understand why all the fans love you.”
“It’s good to have fans.” Damon studied his manager closer, a question Malcolm had raised lurking in the back of his mind. “I mean, except for the stalker. You know how that makes me panic.”
“Yeah, though it’s hard to rag you about today’s gift. It was over the top.” Jimmy’s hand tightened on the neck of the bottle he held.
“It was.” Damon took a breath. “So, how long did it take you to pull together all those images?”
Jimmy froze. “Shit, man. What are you saying?”
“That’s been the hard thing, you know? The investigators kept telling me the person doing it had to be close. I refused to hear it, though. I mean, you’re the only one with that kind of access, Jimmy. And we’ve been together since the beginning, fighting for my success.”
“Success.” Jimmy growled the word. “You’ve gotten so stuck up. Ever since that damn song hit number one.”
“It was after that that it started,” Damon remembered. “About a year ago.”
“You were so happy with that first fucking gift. It was a gag, but catered to that ego of yours, being so linked to your song.” Jimmy shook his head. “God, how I laughed about it. I mean, shit, a song that showcased what a geek you’ve always been, and that’s what pushed you to number one?”
Damon remembered how against the song Jimmy had been. Not just the song, but the video. He wore old clothes and his glasses, comfortable for the first time in a long time as he sang about being the odd man out and how not everyone was made to get the girl. In the video, he’d had all sorts of genetic props and a science lab. The first gift had been a set of test tubes, so carefully wrapped, and he’d thought it was sweet that his music had touched someone.
“It was the apples that almost gave me away. I couldn’t resist trying to get caught. Only instead, you were so upset over the possibility of a stalker being in your room that you panicked like an idiot. As if anyone would stalk you.” Jimmy lifted the bottle, taking a drink from it. “I did you a favor, really. Making you feel bigger than you were.”