Page 42 of Found By You
“Good.” I let my head fall back. “‘Cause I’m going to be honest with you right now, the reason Butch and I have been butting heads is because he’s getting married and starting a family,” I tell her. My eyes close on a cringe. “Fuck. When I say it out loud, it sounds even worse.”
The soothing feel of her hand gliding over mine has me forcing the words out. “I was married once. Her name was Rachel. She and three others died in a plane crash just over five years ago.”
Her hold tightens on my hand. “I’m so sorry.”
I grip her hips, staying in the moment with her. “Don’t be. It happened a long time ago,” I say. “And now, with everything going on between their upcoming wedding and baby. I don’t know… It’s hitting me in a way I’m not proud of.”
“Why do you think that is?”
I shrug. “He’s happy and I’m not.”
Her head tilts slightly. “You’re jealous?”
“The short answer is yes.”
She raises a brow. “What’s the long answer?”
I take in a deep breath and continue massaging her thighs. “Enough about me. It’s your turn,” I say instead, deflecting when I know I shouldn’t. “Tell me why you left Oklahoma.”
She sighs, leaning away from me to grab her phone off the nightstand. I wait as she swipes and scrolls—for what, I’m not sure. She holds the phone up with a news article on the screen dated two months ago: Governor’s Son-in-Law Dead, Is his Mistress to Blame?
“What the hell is this?” I say as I take the phone from her hand and start to read. My eyes widen when I stop on a picture of a petite woman hiding her face as she leaves a police station. Long waves of deep, auburn-red hair flash outside of a grey ball cap.
“I didn’t know he was married,” she finally says. “Evan was…really good at lying.” She huffs a forced laugh. “We were together for about eight months or so. He told me he was in real estate—you know, the whole ‘travel for work’ excuse. And, well, I trusted him more than I should’ve at the time.” Her shoulders sag as she looks away. “When I found out I was pregnant, I was happy. Excited at the idea of us moving forward…the three of us.” She swipes a stray tear from her cheek, steeling her spine. “Evan didn’t feel the same, of course. He, um, was angry I wanted to keep the baby, and…things were said. He left, and the next morning his face was all over the news. He’d gotten drunk—something the news articles don’t mention—and was driving recklessly to the point he rolled his car and died at the scene.”
My gaze shifts to the phone screen once more. “And they thought you had something to do with it?”
“He was the governor’s son-in-law,” she says. “There had to be an investigation. People wanted answers. Someone to blame…” She sighs. “I started getting death threats from all over the state. Some thought I was working to bring the governor down. Ridiculous accusations.” She shakes her head as more tears fall. “People can be…awful when they want to be.”
I toss the phone aside and guide her to me. She falls over me, burying her face into my chest. “I lost my job at a reputable yoga studio. My parents disowned me. My friends blocked my calls. There was nothing left for me to do but leave. So I did.”
“What did they say when you told them you’re pregnant?” I ask.
Maci sits up then with a somber expression. “They don’t know,” she confesses before clenching her eyes shut as she starts to cry.
I hold her face in my hands. “Maci.” Opening her eyes, she places her delicate hand over mine on her cheek, my heart paining with the hurt in their emerald depths. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, angel.”
“I’m okay,” she whispers, nearly inaudible. Unable to stop the tears. “We are okay. I’m starting over. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” I tell her, and I mean it. She’s the strongest, most genuine person I’ve ever known.
A slow smile spreads across her face. “Thank you.” She leans in to place a tender kiss on my lips. When she pulls away, she bites her lip anxiously. “So, um, not to be one of those people, but—”
“Anything you need, darlin’.” I grin.
“It’s three things, actually.” She giggles as I raise a brow in question. “First, I found a few used cars in my price range, I was wondering if you would give me your thoughts? Maybe come with me to see them this week?”
“No problem,” I say. “I’ll help you trade or sell your car, too. Whatever you plan on doing.” I lift my chin. “What else?”
“Well,” she starts, running her hands down my chest with a light scrape of her nails through the thin fabric of my shirt. “I was wondering…” she trails off, and I grin.
My cock pulses to life beneath her lush little ass. “You don’t even need to ask,” I growl, my hands trail under her shirt and around her back. Soft, silky skin under rough, calloused palms.
“It’s, um, more than that,” she adds with a hint of uncertainty.
My smile fades momentarily. “What is it, Maci?”
“I’m pregnant. And, well, pregnant women have…extra needs.” She laughs at her words, and I find myself grinning. “I guess what I’m trying to ask is if you’ll be my friend-with-benefits while I’m pregnant. I know we’ve only known each other for a few days, but I trust you, and that’s a big deal for me. And, seven months from now, when I’m big, round, and miserable, begging someone to have sex with me so I can jump-start labor. I’d prefer that someone be you.”