Page 50 of Found By You
My brow furrows for a moment before a smile splits my face. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
He grins, walking straight toward me. “Your appointment is today, right?”
“Yes, but…”
“Oh, good. I’m glad you’re going with her, Duke. Those offices by the hospital can be so confusing. They all look the same,” Cassidy says.
Alison hands me my purse and jacket from the back. “We’ll see you tomorrow for couple’s yoga,” she exclaims with a giddy bounce. “Tanner can’t wait.”
I tug on my coat and say a quick goodbye before following Duke out to the parking lot. “I’ll drive,” he says, resting a firm hand on my lower back, steering us in the direction of his truck.
I open my mouth to protest, but I’m so confused, I can’t form the words. We’re halfway to the doctor’s office when I turn to him. “What are you doing?”
“Driving you to your appointment,” he says, glancing at me, then to the road.
My gaze narrows. “Why are you driving me to my appointment? We never talked about you picking me up.”
He shrugs. “I took an early lunch. Figured we could get something to eat after.”
It’s innocent enough, sure, but I feel like I’ve come to know my friends-with-benefits-temporary-roommate fairly well these last few weeks. “Is something wrong?” I ask. “Oh, no. Did Joey put laxatives in your coffee again?”
Duke shakes his head with a chuckle. “That fucker better never do that shit again if he wants to keep his job,” he says. “And no, angel, nothing’s wrong. I just…want to go with you, make sure you get there okay. Is that all right?”
His hand finds mine resting on the center console, and he laces his thick, calloused fingers through mine. Heat and a familiar comfort radiate from his palm to mine. “I guess,” I say quietly.
I told him yesterday it was just a basic introductory appointment. I was able to get all my medical records transferred to Dr. Sanderson’s office, so they’ll only be having me fill out paperwork, take some basic measurements, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat today.
I don’t see why he’d want to come to any of that.
We get to the hospital, and Duke navigates around the small maze of offices behind it. We walk in the front door and the receptionist greets us with a warm welcome. She certainly seems to know Duke, but he doesn’t look in her direction. She hands me a clipboard to fill out, and we take a seat in the waiting room.
Everything is straightforward until I get to the portion about the biological father, requesting their information as well. Crap. Should I fill it out? Does it matter? I don’t want to put his name down on anything pertaining to my baby. I don’t even want to speak his name…
“Maci?” Duke whispers, placing a hand on mine to steady the shake.
I look away, roughly swiping at the falling tears. “I’m fine.”
He points to a small box off to the side near the father’s section that states: N/A – Not applicable. I nod solemnly, checking the box.
A nurse calls my name, and I stand.
“I’ll, um, wait here for you,” Duke grunts.
“You can come with me if you want,” I say.
He takes in a deep breath, his leg jumping. “You sure?”
I can hear it in his tone—he wants to.
I nod. He walks with me as we follow the nurse into a room. Duke takes a seat in the guest chair, holding my coat and purse for me. The nurse checks my blood pressure and weight before handing me a urine cup. She instructs me to use the bathroom down the hall.
Finishing my business, I return to the room where Duke is waiting. His stern expression locked on a poster of a realistically drawn vagina with the head of a baby crowning from a side view—cutting the mother in half to see the birthing process from the inside.
I snicker, closing the door behind me. “Learn anything?” I tease, hopping to sit on the exam table with a loud crinkle of that obnoxious paper under my butt.
He scoffs. “Yeah, ten centimeters is a lot.”
I burst with laughter at the same time a knock hits the door. In walks a kind-eyed, older woman with silver-blonde hair. Her eyes shine as she looks at me. “Hello, Miss Baker. My name is Dr. Clara Sanderson. It’s lovely to meet you.” She extends her hand to me and I take it.