Page 58 of Found By You
I release her only to stand there and watch her leave—torn between giving her space and chasing after her like a lovesick fool. I shake my head of the words she said. I know my girl. She didn’t mean them. She’s stressed and scared and I’m going to fix this.
I pull out my phone and jog to my truck to make a phone call to the brother stationed overseas. No one other than Ma has heard from him in almost a year, not that he minds. He’s never had a caring bone in his body—he’s always been strictly business.
And when the phone rings instead of going straight to voicemail, I thank every lucky penny I’ve ever picked up that he’s got service wherever the hell he is.
“Duke,” Beau rumbles. His voice grits like sandpaper on unpolished granite, and I’m surprised to hear he’s lost his accent.
“Hey, brother.”
I arrive at the cabin a half hour later than Maci. I aimed to give her an hour’s worth of space, but…well, here I am. All the lights are out, but I know she’s here. Her car is parked out front, and the bedroom door is closed.
I knock lightly before pushing it open. “Maci?”
The light under the new bathroom door illuminates my path. I open the door only to reveal her shaking and sobbing on the floor. My heart aches to see her like this.
I drop beside her and gently coax her into my arms. She doesn’t fight me as I bring her to rest on my chest, rubbing her back soothingly. “I worked it out with Beau,” I say. “We can stay here, sign a lease, and pay a monthly rent. He even said this works better for him since he wants a regular tenant in this cabin. The bigger cabin next door is the one everyone wants for family vacations—not this one. We’ll put your name on the lease, and it’ll be all yours after that, all right? My house will be done in another four months, give or take. And if you’ll let me, I’d like to stay here with you so I don’t have to sleep on the twin-size bed from my childhood.”
She lifts her head from my chest. “R-Really?” she chokes out, wiping her damp, quivering lips.
I brush the hair back from her face. “It’s Beau’s call. This is his property.”
“Does he know I live here with you?” she asks quietly.
“He does now.” And after the ass-chewing I tossed his way, he won’t forget it.
Ma might have a hard time putting her black sheep, middle son in his place, but I sure as hell don’t.
Maci throws herself at me, hugging me tight with a heartbreaking sob that hits me deep. I hold her close as she hides her face in my neck. “I’m sorry I snapped at you,” she cries. “I-I didn’t mean it. I really didn’t. I’m so sorry, Duke.”
I shush her cries as I hold her like this for a long moment until she finally lets me look at her. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” I help her in the shower and leave her to get ready for bed.
I sit on the couch in just my boxers and watch the fire I lit dance in front of me. Absently wondering how I’m going to get this out. I can’t let her slip through my fingers.
The thought alone is too painful.
I glance at the bedroom door to find her standing there. Cautiously, she walks to me. Her hair is damp and pulled to one side, no makeup, and wearing one of my T-shirts that goes well past her ass.
When she gets within arms’ reach, I bring her to straddle my lap. She hiccups, snaking her arms around my neck as she settles in. Her emerald eyes still red and puffy.
I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing…
I rub her thighs, leaning my head back against the couch. “We need to talk.”
Her lower lip wobbles. “No.”
I chuckle. “Yes, angel.”
Her glossy eyes shine. “You’re still going to call me that?”
“If you’ll let me,” I say with a heavy sigh. “I…like you, Maci. A lot. I don’t want to play this game, as you called it. I want to be with you. Us. You and me. Not just some…feeling when we’re alone.”
Her hands drop from my neck to rest on my chest like she’s bracing herself. “No, you don’t,” she whispers.
“I do.” I gently lift her chin to face me. “And I need you to tell me how you feel.”
She blows out a shaky breath. “I’m pregnant, Duke.”
I nod, encouraging her to continue.