Page 62 of Found By You
His attention, and question, solely directed at her. “Have you talked this out? Not to state the obvious here, but you’ve got a kid on the way that ain’t my brother’s.”
Cassidy throws her hands in the air, and I scowl right along with her.
“That’s none of your—” I begin to say, my blood boiling, when Maci stops me with a raise of her delicate hand.
“They’re family,” she says. “He has a right to be worried about you.”
Debatable, I seethe.
“We talked about it in depth, actually,” Maci replies honestly. “We understand what we’re getting into with starting this relationship now, but we owe it to each other to give this a try before the baby comes.”
“I assume you know about Rachel?” he asks, and Maci nods. “Then you already know why I have concerns for my brother and this relationship.”
“I do,” she says, but…she doesn’t.
I haven’t told her that not only did I lose my wife, but our unborn child she was carrying. I’m just not sure…how to say it? How she’d feel about it? What difference it makes?
“There’s nothing to worry about, Butch,” I chime in, needing to deflect the direction of this conversation until I’m ready—and know how to handle it. “We’re doing this aiming for the long haul.”
Maci’s eyes soften, and Cassidy bursts into tears. Frankie whimpers at her feet—whether that’s because she’s upset or looking for food, it’s hard to say.
“Christ, Sunshine.” Butch chuckles, wrapping an arm around her. “What the hell ya crying for? I thought you wanted them to be together.”
Cass waves her hands at her eyes, blowing out a shuddering breath. “Well, y-yeah, but they’re just so cute t-together.”
Maci laughs, leaning into me. I hold her close and rub the side of her growing bump. A wave of happiness, joy, and purpose settles over me.
Everything is finally falling into place.
“If you don’t feel good, we don’t have to go,” Duke tells me for the third time, standing in the doorway of the bedroom as I get ready.
He’s just trying to get out of going himself.
I shimmy on the black stockings under the long-sleeved, olive-green sweater dress I borrowed from Cassidy. The form-hugging dress falls just below my knees and has my almost fourteen-week bump popping. I’ve done my hair, my makeup, and even brought out my grandmother’s earrings. A little nausea and heartburn isn’t going to stop me from enjoying a cookie decorating contest and dinner party at Duke’s parents’ for Christmas Eve.
I glance at him, a mouthwatering kind of handsome in his black slacks and dark grey dress shirt tucked in. Deep chestnut hair slicked back, his short beard shaped and trimmed exactly how I told him I liked it.
“I told you, I’m okay,” I say, walking to the bathroom. “Cassidy said she bought peppermint hot chocolate. I’m sure once I get some of that in me, I’ll feel better.” I busy myself by checking my reflection in the mirror.
Duke appears behind me, grinning. “You look gorgeous, angel.”
I pout, angling my backside toward him. “You don’t think it makes my butt look too big?”
He chuckles deeply, wrapping strong arms around me. “I think it makes your ass look amazing, just like every other part of you.”
I roll my eyes and smile. Always the charmer. “Thank you.”
“But if you don’t feel well, we can—”
I bump him back with my ass. “We’re going. Your mom even called this morning to make sure we were coming tonight,” I say. “I promise I’ll tell you if I start to not feel well, okay?”
He huffs, peppering my neck with kisses. “You say the word, and we’re out of there.”
I bite my lip as he rubs his large hand gently over my belly, his dark gaze locked with mine in the mirror. I place my hands over his and lean into him. Three little words linger on the tip of my tongue. I’ve caught myself wishing—no, wanting to say them to him for days now.