Page 68 of Found By You
I catch her easily and hold her tight against me, letting her have a moment before I ask, “Do you like it?”
“You’re amazing,” she cries softly, squeezing me.
I chuckle. “I’m glad you like it.”
Pulling away, she wipes her eyes, glowing as she stares at the papers in her hand. “When did you do this? Is this why you went back into Dr. Sanderson’s office after my appointment?”
“Yeah,” I admit, rubbing the back of my neck. “I had Mandy help me find the ultrasound place. I didn’t know what the hell I was looking for.”
“The receptionist?”
My brow furrows. “Yeah, why?”
Maci shakes her head and laughs. “I thought you went back in there to hit on her.”
“Mandy?” I balk. “Fuck no. We grew up together; she’s like a sister to me. Although, I thought she was going to ruin the whole surprise with all that damn smiling she was doing.”
“You did all this…” she trails off with a sniffle. “Before we even…”
“Made it official,” I finish. “Yeah, I did. Hopefully, you’re not too disappointed with not getting any diamonds or jewelry.”
“Are you kidding me? This is the best present anyone has ever given me.”
I give myself a mental high-five.
“You’re coming with me, right?” she asks. “For the ultrasound and the weekend?”
My chest tightens. I want to go with her, but for her to want me to come with her—well, damn, she’s giving me a gift in itself. “If you want me to.” I force myself to play it cool.
“Of course, I do.” She starts bouncing in place. “Ah! We get to find out the baby’s gender on Valentine’s Day,” she squeals, jumping me and pinning me to the bed to shower me with kisses.
And in this moment with her, I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier.
The last seven weeks with Maci have been nothing short of a dream. She’s everything I need, and everything I didn’t know I desired in a partner. I love her. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone—I just can’t bring myself to tell her.
There’s no doubt in my mind she feels the same way, and I don’t doubt she’s waiting for me to say it first because of my past. And I’m working on getting to the point of telling her, I’m just not there yet.
Because the last time I spoke those three words to a woman I loved…
It was the last thing I ever said to her.
And that realization alone is messing with my mind.
Maci guides my hand onto her five-month bump, laying it flat against her. My heart warms feeling the tiny push under my palm. That same heartwarming feeling I felt three weeks ago when we were in bed and she felt a kick for the first time.
The smiles, the laughs, the tears we shared.
Every second I spend with her is better than the last.
“They’re moving all over the place,” she says.
“Any final guesses?” I grin, rubbing her belly as I drive us to Helena for her ultrasound appointment and to enjoy a romantic weekend away—just us.
My family has welcomed Maci with open arms. We’ve gone to most of the Montgomery Sunday dinners when Maci is feeling well enough to go. And I refuse to go without her.
Butch and I are back on good terms ever since we made it official. He still has his concerns, but we’ve talked it out, and he understands I’m serious about this relationship—the baby included.