Page 13 of Only You, Only Us
Sure. Just tell me when. I’ll need to get a lift over. I’m not in Constance Cove, remember?
Oh yeah, right. Come to The Shack. It’s next to the beach, and I’ll meet you there. Say eight?
I’ll be there.
My heart sings. I’m going to a beach party with Jeremy Archer.
“Check in with me, Anna. I’m serious. Any problems, you text. I’m going to stay local and grab a drink in a bar.”
“Mum, I’m good. It’s nothing big. I’ll be fine.” But secretly, I’m relieved she’ll be close. I don’t really know Jeremy, and certainly none of his friends.
My heart races, and the need to take deep breath after deep breath doesn’t leave me until she pulls up to The Shack, which isn’t anything like a shack but looks just as impressive as the rest of the houses and property around here.
It’s a few minutes after eight — I didn’t want to be early — but I can see him sitting on one of the benches outside the glass ‘shack’.
“Stay in touch.” Her last warning rings in my ears as I jump out of the car and head towards him.
As I start walking, he looks up at me. “Anna, hi,” he calls.
I smile, the words stuck in my throat for a moment. Closing the distance between us, I suck in a breath and ball my fist. Nothing is going to happen if I can’t even speak to him.
My cropped shorts, flip-flops, and tight V-neck vest top seemed the right fit. I have a hoodie tied around my waist, as I’m hoping we’ll be out late enough that I’ll need it.
He’s wearing a surf shirt with a collar and shorts that are frayed above his knees and looks perfect.
He stands and looks down at me. I love that he’s so tall over me. His hair looks lighter tonight, but it’s still all messed up and scruffy. It suits him better here than at school. It’s like he’s made for the beach the way he looks right now.
“Come on. There’s a group on the beach already.”
“Okay,” I say and follow along the road. Soon, it turns into a boardwalk of sorts, with ropes on either side, steering you into the small area of sand dunes before it opens out onto the bay.
Jeremy points towards the right. “This way.”
There’s not a lot of talking, and he seems pretty keen to get to the party. I was so excited about this, but I guess I might have got my hopes up for nothing. My heart deflates a little, dampening my eagerness.
I don’t have to stay long, and I can escape if I need to, I remind myself.
As we get closer, I see a group of guys building a bonfire, or what will be a bonfire, all laughing and pushing each other about.
“God, Archer’s got a date!” one of them shouts as we get a little closer.
The boys all jeer and call out, and it’s like being back at school again, although I don’t recognise any of these boys.
Jeremy seems to step closer towards me, and his hand lands on my shoulder. He doesn’t pull me against him — more like guides me with his hand. “Ignore them. They’ll shut up in a minute.”
I nod, still stunned by the physical contact. His hand is warm against my skin as it straddles the edge of my vest top and my shoulder. I expect him to pull it away, but he doesn’t.
“Guys, this is Anna. We know each other from school. She’s down for the summer, too.”
A few of them nod and smile.