Page 21 of Only You, Only Us
Will you help me revise?
I sent the message after another of our random conversations before bed. He’s answered everything I’ve sent him so far, so if he doesn’t text back, I know it’s because I asked.
My heart thuds in my chest, and I sit up, unable to contain my excitement.
Come over?
I’d put money on the fact that you’ll be in bed now.
I smile to myself. Comments like this told me that he saw me as at least a friend. Daring to hope for more was a step I couldn’t quite pin my heart on yet — even after the kiss.
True, but that’s not exactly what I meant. After school on Friday?
Friday night?
Yeah. Unless you’d rather Saturday?
What about if I come over Saturday afternoon? We can study and then get pizza delivered.
I love that idea. I delete the love and re-type the message.
Great. I love pizza.
Chapter Six
It was painful waiting for the weekend to arrive. Sammy had made it clear she hated the way Jeremy treated me and that I shouldn’t put up with it. She was right, but I just wanted to see if things would change — take it at his speed.
So far, there had been no sign of any other girls — no parties or rumours that he hooked up with anyone. He was the same Jeremy to everyone. Grumpy and moody at the heart of it, but he seemed to make it work, casting himself as Mr Moody and Desirable.
Sammy walked home with me on Friday. I could tell she wanted to say something. Probably to warn me about Saturday, but she didn’t. Her excitement from when he first told me he had my number was long forgotten, and I hated that.
She didn’t stay over, and even Mum shot me a few questioning glances over dinner. I raised my shoulders in reply.
“I’ll let you know how things go?” I ask at the door, as right now, I’m not sure if she is happy to have the run down or not.
“Yeah, of course.” She gives me a sad attempt at a smile. We say goodbye, and I close the door.
“What was all that about? Did you guys have a fight?” Mum asks.