Page 36 of Only You, Only Us
“What is it? It’s like a shop, takeaway, and restaurant under one roof.”
“Tregethworth is a small place. I guess it works for Molly.”
“The owner’s called Molly?”
“Yeah. It’s called Molly’s Diner. It’s been here for as long as I’ve been coming to Tregethworth.”
“It’s weird that we’ve spent so many summers so close to each other.”
“Yeah. But maybe this would have happened sooner if you’d spoken more than three words to me in the last few years. Meeting last year was still just a coincidence,” I tease.
“Maybe.” He shifts in his seat and looks out the window. I wonder if I said the wrong thing, even though it’s what I believe. But after last night and his grand gesture, I leave it.
Luckily, the shakes arrive, and I distract myself with the chocolate goodness.
“So?” I prompt, nudging his tall glass towards him.
He places the paper straw between his lips, and I watch, transfixed and feeling a little flush at the thought of where I want his lips to travel on me.
Blinking away my daydream, he rocks his head back and forth. “It’s good.” The smile he gives me washes away the awkwardness of a moment before, and my eyes dip back to his lips again.
“I remember when my mum brought me here for the first time. I’ve had chocolate milkshakes ever since.” It’s a good memory. The milkshakes were bigger, and I’m sure they had more cream and sprinkles on, but I think that might be my memories being distorted by time and the lens of a six-year-old child, desperate to hold onto anything good.
“You aren’t tempted?” He slides his banana substitute towards me.
“No, I’m happy with my choice, and until I grow tired of chocolate, I’m good.”
Two towers arrive, and my mouth waters at the glorious sight. Burgers oozing with melted cheese, tomato, and pickle skewed with a bamboo stick to keep it from sliding apart stand before us.
“I know.” I size up the stack and try to work out my plan of attack. “From now on, there’s no judgement about how we eat this, okay? Take my word for it. There is no delicate way, we just need to…” I pause as I look up to see Jeremy wrestling the burger and taking his first bite. Burger sauce escapes and drips onto the pile of chips below.
We don’t talk, we just eat, devouring the food with a few nods and appreciative ums, mmms, and licked lips. It feels good in a carefree and frivolous way that anything at the cove would never be able to achieve.
“Oh my god. That was the best,” Jeremy proclaims as he finishes his last bite.
“I told you.”
“Yeah, but everyone says they know a place. That was a great burger.” He picks at the last few fries amongst the debris from the burger mountain.
We order a second shake to go, and I have to snatch the bill from his hand. “No, my treat, remember.” He just raises his hands in defeat as I go to the counter to pay.
We head out and onto the beach with our drinks. It’s a nice evening with the sun dancing behind a few tufts of cloud.
“There, that house along the road is where I normally stay.” I point out the cottage I’ll be calling home after next week. He drapes his arm around my shoulder as we walk along in parallel with the little wall separating the beach from the road.
“About that. Do you think you’ll come back to mine after?”
“Well, I’m not sure. I don’t want to outstay my welcome.”
“You won’t. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to cope for the rest of the summer without you around.” He leans down and kisses my head.
“Let’s see how the next couple of weeks go. You might be sick of me by then.” The invitation has always been there, but hearing him ask me again was exciting. I just didn’t want to sound desperate.
We finish our drinks, walk the beach, and head back to the car.
“Want to go anywhere else?” he asks.