Page 56 of Only You, Only Us
Parties at his house had been cursed in my eyes since his eighteenth birthday. I only attended his second eighteenth because I wanted to be there for Jeremy.
Pop. Another balloon burst in my chest of hopefulness. We hadn’t discussed the dance because I assumed we’d be going. Everyone went to it, and I got tickets weeks ago.
“But it’s like a tradition. A rite of passage, like prom,” I protest as I take his hands in mine and plead my case. “I’ve always wanted to go. If you don’t want to take me…” I don’t finish the sentence because I’m unsure how he’ll feel about me going alone.
He stands there, amongst others milling about after leaving their exam. I won’t beg him to take me. A knot forms in my stomach as I think it over and consider giving this up just because he doesn’t want to go.
His jaw clenches. “Well, you’re not going with anyone else, that’s for fucking sure. So, I’ll make a deal. We’ll turn my party into the afterparty. That way, we both win.”
He pulls me back towards him and starts to walk us towards his car. It’s not the most romantic invite I might have wanted, but if we’re going together, it doesn’t matter.
I’ve finished my exams. I’m in love and have the best summer ahead of me.
Jeremy makes an effort for the dance. He wears a well-fitted tux, picks me up, and even dances with me.
As I stand in the middle of the dancefloor with friends and peers around me, I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy. My heart pulses and swells in my chest, full because of Jeremy.
I feel whole with him, like I don’t need anyone else in the world as long as he’s by my side. It’s a giddy feeling.
Before we head back to Jeremy’s, I stop and rush up to Sammy. She hasn’t responded to any of my messages. We used to talk about coming together to this dance, not thinking either of us would have dates.
“Hey,” I start, but I can see she isn’t impressed. Well, tough. I fling my arms around her in a huge hug. “I miss you. I’m sorry. Please, let me make things up between us.” I pull back and grab her hands. The friendship bracelet’s still on her wrist, at least, just like mine is.
She doesn’t say anything, but she nods ever so slightly. It’s not a lot, but it’s a start, and I latch onto it.
“Thank you. Are you coming to the afterparty?” I ask. But she just shakes her head as her eyes trail over my shoulder to where Jeremy is. He’s chatting to some friends, Derek among them.
I nod back and squeeze her hand before turning to Jeremy.
“Ready?” I ask.
“Sure. Thanks, man, I got you,” he mumbles his goodbyes, and we head out. “See you all back at mine!” he calls out, and the dance erupts with cheers.
I see the boy with the reputation then, the boy that everyone wanted to be seen with or be friends with. This was the character he’d created for himself in school without having to invite people in.
Now, he’s splashing it about like it’s second nature far more than he ever used to.
I remember one of our first conversations on the beach — about people always looking at him for the money. That view’s changed now because I’d hate to think what his mum has spent on alcohol alone for him over the last few parties.
“We better get going.” The evening so far has been perfect, and now I have to keep my side of the deal — another house party. At least I can sneak off if it gets too much.
We take the limo back to his, and Jeremy helps himself to the liquor in the small cabinet. I sip the amber liquid while he downs the glass and refills it.
“To the end of school and the start of our lives together.”
“To us.”
“I love you, Anna. That’s never gonna change. No matter what.”
“I love you, too.”
“Come here.” He pulls me against him, slides his hand around my neck, and cradles my head. It’s intense, and the air around us charges with want and need.
He doesn’t kiss me right away. Instead, he holds me, keeping me waiting — and wanting — as he just stares into my eyes as if he’s waiting to make a decision.
“Jeremy—” I don’t know if it’s a question or a plea, perhaps somewhere in between.