Page 91 of Tangled Up In You
He smiled down at his Caesar salad, relieved to be given this prompt, relieved she wasn’t scared off by what he’d told her last night. “All right. I like it. Keeping me on track.”
So he picked up where he’d left off, telling her about how he learned in juvie that he actually loved school, that therapy was pretty effective, and—most importantly—that he could play by anyone’s rules. He learned to leverage his greatest skill—charm—to make his life easier. He told her how he became a model inmate, how Judge Amira Iman took him under her wing, brought him to city fundraisers for disadvantaged youth to meet and talk to people in the community, and how it was there that he met the socialite Rose Fitzsimmons, and the spark of an idea struck her that she wanted to do more to help than throw money at the various foundations: Rose wanted to adopt a fifteen-year-old reformed hooligan named Edward Fallon. And then he told Ren how Rose’s husband, real estate developer Robert Fitzsimmons, loved the idea of adopting him, but for a completely different reason: After a slew of lawsuits that claimed his firm had broken various civil and criminal codes, he needed an image overhaul.
And once he learned the truth about Robert, young Edward was a very willing accessory: His new father’s latest project, a high-end series of condominiums, was to be built on the same city block where Mary’s apartment—and Edward’s happily ever after—had once stood. With the ember of loss still burning in his chest, Edward hoped he could one day gather enough information on local developers to be able to take them down one by one.
Edward told Ren about moving into the Fitzsimmons estate, about how he felt out of place from the minute he first stepped foot on the property. He told Ren how he took the opportunity whenever he could to learn how to integrate himself into every situation: fancy dinners with politicians and in the kitchen with the staff; pickup basketball games at the park and fundraisers with celebrities. He hated everything about the rich, privileged life he was living, and a plan was forming even then, one where he would use everything he learned living in that house to take down the first pillar of the big developer community: Robert Fitzsimmons.
By that point, Ren’s eyes had lost some of their attentive focus, and he stood, taking her napkin and piling everything neatly on the table. “Let’s get you to bed.”
They rolled the room service table into the hall, where the Fridge grunted out a sound of greeting and wheeled their dinner away.
Ren put her hand on Edward’s arm. “Don’t go.”
With a grin, he reminded her, “I’m not going anywhere until you kick me out.”
This earned him a tiny flicker of a smile, and they carefully locked up, brushed teeth side by side, and then climbed back into the giant bed.
She reached over, turning out the bedside lamp, leaving only the light from the bathroom softly drifting across the foot of the bed. Ren rolled to face him, curling up on her side, hands tucked up under her chin. She was so beautiful, it made his chest constrict.
“How’s my Sunshine feeling tonight?”
Instead of answering, she asked, “Why didn’t you just walk away when I left you in Atlanta? Weren’t you mad?”
It took immense effort to not propel his body forward and pull her into his arms. “No, Ren. I wasn’t mad, not for one second. I don’t trust easily, and I’m working on that, but I do trust you. If you left, I knew there had to be a good reason. I was only ever worried.” He tilted his head, smiling. “Panicked may be a better word, especially once we put together what happened.”
She looked up at him, eyes sincere. “Thank you for being so smart.”
He felt his face heat. “I just put the puzzle together. You tell a good story. Thank you for talking so much.”
She smiled. “Thank you for coming for me.”
“It was never a question.”
“I’m sorry Gloria tried to blackmail you into staying quiet.”
He waved this off. “It’s fine. I was already at Chris’s house by the time my father called to yell at me.” He closed his eyes, searching for the sinking feeling in his stomach, the anxiety that he’d ruined his future, but it didn’t come. “I didn’t want Gloria to have any power over us, though….” He swallowed. “I called Audran from the airport and told him that I’d doctored my scores. I explained a bit why—Judge Iman told me just before I got out that if I finished at the top of my class, she would give me a recommendation to any law school in the country. It doesn’t make what I did okay, but he was actually pretty cool. He agreed to give me a zero but shut down the academic dishonesty inquiry. I’m not sure I deserve that, but I’m not going to argue. I still need to iron the details out with the dean, but it looks like I’ll be taking an extended leave.”
“You’re not going back to school next week?”
“I think I need time to figure it all out. School feels like another planet right now.”
“Everything feels like another planet.” Her smile was limp. “I can barely focus on anything.”
“Pretty sure there’s not a soul in the world who would blame you.”
She adjusted her pillow under her head. “Are you still planning on going to law school?”
He thought about how relentless he’d been, how his need for misguided revenge had driven him toward money and success, and away from depending on or trusting anyone. He felt lighter without it, unaware how heavy a burden he’d been carrying until it was gone.
“I don’t know. The whole point of law school was to become powerful enough that I could take everything from men like my father.” He laughed, because it sounded sad and empty, even to his own ears. “I was still holding on to what had happened to Mary, had happened to me. I wanted to destroy him and everything men like him had.”
“You don’t want to do that anymore?”
“I still want to take care of Mary, that hasn’t changed, but with everything that’s happened, the rest of it sounds kind of dumb.”
Ren laughed and found his hand, squeezing it. “It’s not dumb. It’s very noble that you want to help her.”
“Noble to live my life like the most pathetic Bond villain?”