Page 102 of Savage Ice
Chapter Twenty-One
Beau’s lashes fluttered open.
“You broke the syringe before I could pump enough tranquilizer in you.”
Darkness. All around him.
“I was thinking you wouldn’t open those eyes again until the flames had started, but I guess, this way, you can take it all in and know why you have to die. I can also have the pleasure of carrying out a friend’s very special last request.”
His arms…were behind his back. Something cold and hard was around his wrists. He jerked. Handcuffs, again? It is so not my night.
“Yeah, those would be handcuffs. You can’t break them. Owen Bell couldn’t break out of his when you slapped them on him. Neither could Everett.”
A light flared in front of Beau. A match striking. And that match lit up the face of the man speaking. A smile curved his lips. “Surprised?” He blew out a hard breath.
The match died.
Darkness came back.
“Mostly…” Beau growled, “just pissed.”
Laughter chased him in the dark.
“The app to locate his phone still has Beau showing near the police station, but Douglas swears that the Jag is gone. That Beau is gone.” Fear was about to rip Avalon apart as she spoke on her phone to Ophelia.
“Lane and I are here now. We came back to the station as soon as Royal called us.” Worry filled Ophelia’s voice. “Beau’s not here. I don’t see—oh, no.”
“What?” She nearly broke the phone. “What is it?”
Royal crowded behind her.
“Beau’s phone. Or at least, I think it is. Smashed to hell near a curb.”
Royal swore. Avalon had the phone on speaker, and she held the device gripped in her right hand.
“Someone took him.”
Avalon heard that statement clearly. It had come from Lane.
“She can hear you.” A quick retort from Ophelia. “I am trying not to freak her out.”
“Too late,” Avalon shot back. “I’m freaked. Someone took him?” The arsonist. And if he had Beau…
What had Royal told me that he overheard? Something about Beau waking up…in hell.
Hell was fire. Flames that surrounded you. Trapped you. Killed you. “No.” Low. Hard. “No.” Louder. Harder. “No!”
Royal swore again.
“We’re going to find him,” Ophelia promised quickly. “You stay where you are, understand? We’re going in the station to get help. We will find him.” She hung up.
Avalon stared down at her phone. But she didn’t see the device. She saw flames. “He’s going to put Beau in the fire.”
“The fuck he is.”
Her head whipped up so that she could meet Royal’s glare. “We both know what hell is.” Hell was flames that consumed you.
Royal swallowed.