Page 107 of Savage Ice
“Do you think…” A whisper in Beau’s ear. “That she’ll fight the fire for you? My money says she won’t. I think she’ll run as soon as she sees the flames.” Then he shoved Beau. Leapt to his feet.
Beau tried to rise. His legs…dammit, he hated being so weak!
His gaze darted around the darkened room. He’d heard Avalon’s voice. Where was she?
His eyes drifted past the candle. The candle that flickered and danced. Flickered and?—
“Did you wonder why your clothes were so wet? I used all the good whiskey the last time I was here, but don’t worry, I brought my own this time. A much cheaper version, but it will still get the job done.” And he yanked up the candle. Put it…put it next to some kind of puddle in the middle of that darkness and?—
It leapt to life. It raced out, flashing as if following a perfect trail that had been created just for it.
Beau realized why he’d smelled so much whiskey when he first opened his eyes. Why his clothes were wet. He doused me with whiskey. He doused the whole room.
And the fire was coming for Beau.
The bastard lit more matches. Spread his fire. And it blazed toward Beau.
“Beau!” Avalon’s scream.
“Get away!” Beau tried to yell back. “Stay away!”
The fire closed in.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Beau!” Fear had Avalon’s heart racing in a triple-time rhythm as she jumped from the vehicle. “Beau!”
Where was he? And, dear God, please let him be okay.
“Hardly anything is left in the front of the building,” Royal snarled. “Has to be in the back!”
They raced for the back. Avalon’s feet pounded over the earth as they headed around to the rear of the dark building. Kai had said that he’d seen the Jag in the back. And she— “Smoke!” Avalon gasped out. “I smell smoke!”
Royal tore forward.
“Beau!” she screamed as she gave chase. “Beau!”
They reached the back door. Or was it a side door? The former warehouse was absolutely huge, but the door was ajar, and Royal was already rushing inside, and the scent of smoke just got stronger and, oh, no, she could hear the crackle of flames. She raced after him and entered darkness until?—
“Stay back!”
Real words? Or was it just the crackle of the fire? Because fire was raging. She and Royal had burst into some kind of big storage room. And fire surged across the floor in a serpentine line. A snake striking everything in its path. Terror held her rooted to the spot for a moment as her past came back and slammed straight into her.
“There’s a body on the floor!” A shout from Royal.
Her heart stopped. No, no. Not Beau. “No!”
She and Royal dodged the flames. They reached the body. Face-down. Royal rolled him over.
The flames surged.
Not Beau.
“Kai,” Royal said.
There was a whole lot of blood on Kai’s chest. Blood revealed by the twisting, churning flames that were getting bigger and bigger every second. She yanked up her shirt to cover her mouth even as her shaking fingers went to Kai’s throat.