Page 20 of Savage Ice
But then a second shadow appeared.
His body tensed.
Avalon wasn’t involved with anyone. Not right now. He knew that for certain. He?—
The second shadow grabbed the first and yanked her back.
“Avalon!” His roar shook the night.
Hands grabbed her from behind. Surprise and horror blasted through Avalon, and she opened her mouth and screamed as loud and as hard as she could.
“Bitch, there’s no hero this time.” He threw her body onto the floor.
She hit hard, with her elbow ramming into the wood and her knee banging like a hammer into the floor. She scrambled forward, ignoring the bolt of pain in her left knee.
He grabbed her by the hair. “Do you like the fire? I’ve been told you do.”
She couldn’t see him. He was still behind her. She hadn’t glimpsed his face. She reached up and clawed at his wrist.
He laughed and slammed her toward the hardwood once more. Her hands slapped down right before her face would have hit the floor.
“You are going to burn,” he promised.
Her gaze jerked to the right. Her purse was on the chair inside of her doorway. Her taser was in the purse. If she could just get to it, she would tase his ass so hard. The floor groaned behind her. Why hadn’t it groaned before? If it had, she could have gotten a little advance notice that she was not freaking alone in her home!
But with that groan, she struck back hard with her foot. She made crushing contact with his shin, and when he bellowed, she lunged for the purse. Her fingers snagged the strap just as he grabbed her again.
“You’ll be alive when you burn. You will be?—”
A crash came from downstairs. A very, very loud crash. One that was immediately followed by a roar.
A roar that was her name.
He kicked in the door. Had to kick it twice before the lock broke and the door flew open. Even as the door banged into the wall, Beau was shouting Avalon’s name.
An alarm started beeping somewhere. He flew up the stairs three at a time. Fury and fear fueled his blood. He was absolutely terrified of what he’d find upstairs.
Avalon had to be alive. She had to be safe.
And whoever had been waiting for her? The fool was dead.
He reached the landing. Spun for the right. Saw her open bedroom door and the two figures fighting on the floor. Avalon was grabbing for her purse with one hand while her other pushed against the chest of some hulking asshole all in black. One wearing a damn ski mask.
“Get the hell away from her!” Beau thundered as he ran for the bastard.
The bastard’s ski-mask-covered head whipped up. Even as his attention shot to Beau, Avalon pulled something out of her bag. She shoved it against his chest. The attacker jolted. Hard.
And Beau slammed into him. They flew through the air as the bastard’s body shuddered, and they landed on the hardwood floor. Beau drove his fist into the man’s face. Over and over. And, fuck that, he ripped off the ski mask as he raised his hand to?—
A punk kid stared back at him. Big, muscled, yeah, but young as hell. Pimple-covered face. Scraggly beard.
“What. The. Hell?” Beau roared.
He’d busted the kid’s lip. Pounded his face into a mess.
The intruder wasn’t fighting back. His body kept jolting.
Beau slanted a fast glance at Avalon. She was on her feet and still holding tightly to her taser. “You okay?” he demanded.