Page 35 of Savage Ice
“I don’t have enemies.”
“Bullshit. We all have enemies. Hell, I’ve got a list that stretches for two states. At least. So, let’s try again.”
Her shoulders tensed.
“Who have you pissed off most recently? Everyone in this room knows you get off on chatting it up with the most dangerous criminals out there.”
“Case in point,” Campbell muttered. “The prick sitting right next to you.”
“He’s still pushing me…” Beau didn’t glance Campbell’s way. “Here I am, trying to play nicely, while he is still being the douche cop—sorry, the bad cop.” The words were mocking, but his gaze was dead serious.
He wanted to know her enemies.
Don’t you already know? She had the feeling he knew everything about her. Even her bra size. Because he had just casually announced moments before that he’d picked up new clothes in her size for her. Avalon had caught that slip. But she didn’t question him about the clothes—that would come later. Instead, she said, “Everett Thomas.” He could count as a potential enemy. “I was interviewing him recently. When I left, he wasn’t…pleased with me.” Understatement.
“Why?” Beau’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, look, I just asked your favorite question.”
She was aware of the cops watching them, but her attention centered completely on Beau. Every breath she took seemed to pull her a little closer to him. His heat reached out and curled around her. “He wanted me to prove his innocence. I told him that wasn’t possible.”
“Why not?” Beau waited.
“Because I happen to think he’s guilty as hell. I wasn’t in that prison to help him. I wanted to figure out who’d left him practically gift wrapped for the cops.” Am I looking at that person?
Beau’s lips started to curl.
“Everett tried to scare me.”
Beau’s smile froze.
“He slammed his fists onto the table. Thought he’d make me flinch. It takes a lot more than that to rattle me.” Campbell had pulled a similar move. Some people liked to intimidate with their size.
Some used other means.
Beau nodded. “He wanted you scared, but you told Everett to fuck off. You weren’t helping him.”
“And he told me to find the sonofabitch who’d taken him down. Then…” She watched Beau carefully. “Then he suggested I cut out his intestines and tie them in a bow.”
Beau had leaned toward her even more.
She’d leaned toward him.
His expression hadn’t changed. His eyes, though, they seemed darker. Deeper. She wanted to read the emotions in his gaze. Normally, she was so good at reading emotions, but this time, she just couldn’t gauge what he was feeling.
Beau and Avalon turned their heads toward Lynn.
“Is this some weird foreplay for them?” Campbell asked as he scratched his chin.
“I have no idea.” Lynn shook her head. “But I’d like to get back to my murder investigation. Seeing as how Everett Thomas is locked in a maximum-security prison, I don’t really think he’s the man we’re after, so how about we focus on other enemies that you may have, all right, Avalon?”
But Beau laughed. The deep, rough sound held no humor. “Like prison can stop you from getting what you want.” He rose. And when he did, his hand slid out. His knuckles trailed over Avalon’s cheek. “You say the right word—or the wrong word—to certain individuals. And you can get plenty of people on the outside to do your dirty work for you.”
“Speaking from experience, are you?” Campbell’s forehead scrunched with obvious suspicion.
“Oh, come on. You know I’m right. That’s why you need to pay Everett a visit. Or why we do.” His hand lingered against her skin. “You can get a meeting with him, can’t you, Avalon?”